Its been two years and with the hype of FF16 I decided to finally go back and continue 14 and im glad I did. Such a step up in everything, really enjoyed the characters and the history of Ishgard and the whole Dragonsong war. Time for post game HW.

I really enjoyed this dlc, I may have even enjoyed the story and characters more than the base game. Torna was really fun to explore mainly because you dont have to keep swapping blades around for excavation sites, but yeah really solid expansion.

I have very fond memories of this game but unfortunately with the wonky jumping, the stupid save system and the quite punishing 100% requirements I just feel theres no point in playing this version (outside of curiosity) when the N. Sane version exists which fixes all of its problems.

Good game, leveling system was weird but it was unique. The story was forgettable but its the 2nd game in the series so its fine. The final dungeon theme was great though. Overall I think I liked FF1 more. Onto FFIII which is apparently the best of the NES trilogy.

I once disliked this game but I've warmed up to it a lot over the years. The story sets up KH2 and 358/2 Days really well and gives a good view on whats to come. Combat gets boring once you're mindlessly spamming sleights but the bosses make it worth it.

The last and best of the NES era, you can tell the stories are getting more interesting the more it goes on but this one is also mostly forgettable. Job system is great and has a lot of firsts in the series because of it.

While there are some questions that arent answered this is a great conclusion to the Klaus Trilogy and just a nice DLC in general. I do find myself wanting more as I really wanted to spend more time with Shulk, Rex and all the new characters I feel like that just says how much I enjoyed. Can't wait to see what the future of Xenoblade has in store.

I really wanted to like this game but the longer I played the harder it was to keep going. The story doesn't really explain everything clearly and the characters I found hard to care much about, except Sazh he was my favourite. I found the combat fun at first but after about 10 - 15 hours it just got boring since combat just boils down to shifting to the paradigm that beat suits the situation and spamming auto attack. Boring combat mixed with the corridor level design while also not finding the story interesting really made this game a slog to get through, but I'm glad I decided to finally play it for myself. Really hoping 13-2 is better.

I wasnt expecting much but I was still meh on the game. Released during the action RE era I knew what I was in for but it tries to do some "horror" as well which just fails as the enemies are no threat at all and you always have a good amount of supplies so it just flip flops between action and an attempt to be spooky and yeah wasnt a fan. ALSO please I need a modern RE game with all the spookiness and atmosphere set on a boat, its such a good setting and this game could have done way more with it.

Not as good as Heavensward but still really good, it did have its slow points though and I think some of the fat could be trimmed to make for a better experience. Enjoyed the story but felt it was a bit too long, really liked Lyse and Hien, hope they stay.

Definitely going in my top 5 ps2 games 100%. The game was a great mix of horror and action it also had great atmosphere and sound design which elevates how tense you can feel. The only part I disliked was the Island, just think it goes on for a bit too long.

Two very solid 2.5D platformers, must play for people into the genre. I did prefer the first game as I feel its more focused on what its trying to do and it has a better end game but I really liked 2 as well and that final level was challenging

Havent played this since I was a kid so it was a real blast of nostalgia. Great platformer that incorporates stealth into things, really fun game. My one complaint would be the mini game levels, I didnt enjoy them.

First time finishing any version of ff1 and first time finishing a ff game from the pixel era, really enjoyed it although somewhat boring at times but its understandable, its the first ff after all. Other than the font which is fixable with mods, its a good version.

It was WAY better then I was expecting. The story was really good that introduced characters I hope appear in the next game. Gameplay wise Kaito's sadly a rehash of Y0 Kiryu with some tweaks and there are no substories but the story makes up for it.