If Big's campaign wasn't not good I'd give this game 5 stars

This is my favorite video game of all time it's peak

I was able to beat this game in the span of a few days when I was like, 7-8 and after replaying it recently I can comfortably say that I don't know how

This is the first video game that I ever played, so that's cool

I wish that the game was longer and a little bit more challenging but I still really liked it

Even when I'm not playing this game with others I have a lot of fun going through the campaigns

We need more video games with Evil Cole in them

One of my favorite video games of all time it's so good

I love My Hero Academia, so I was super excited to replay this game and I still really like it, it's fun

This is one of the very few Sonic games that I think it outright bad

I genuinely love this game, it's awesome

It's not my favorite game in the Zelda series but it's in my top 3

There are some aspects that could've been better but I still had fun playing it