11 Reviews liked by Danilo_O

This game is pretty damn cool. Hype to watch. I like the unique artstyle. Phoenix Wright is really cool. Overall pretty damn solid.

Dante e Phoenix Wright estão presentes nesse jogo, não haveria possibilidades de ser ruim.

Couldn't vibe with it.

Got Phoenix Wright though that's pretty cool.

One of the best fighting games. Like, somehow they made Phoenix Wright and Frank West playable fighters, which makes absolutely no sense but it works so well.

I bought this game because it had Phoenix Wright as a playable character.

I have no regrets.

Fun game! Never got fully into it though (as most fighting games go for me) but I still enjoyed my time! Phoenix Wright being in the game is godlike too.

You can beat the living shite out of Dormammu while playing as Phoenix Wright

I suck but it's fun as fuck and i can play as Phoenix Wright.

unrelatable (i live in a flat)

This is like reviewing gex at gex’s house