Nailed it. Really good encounter design throughout the story, utilising raid-light mechanics to create the most engaging boss fights in a story mode for a long time, maybe ever. The story explores its characters well and ends on an incredibly high note and hits some emotional beats surprisingly confidently. I think this is helped by the campaign's structure, which is traditionally linear until the final fight preparations which opened up the exploration gameplay, with an impressive 12 player co op mission that unlocked after the raid was beaten. Very epic, and very fun. Prismatic is cool and is fun to tinker with, leading you to maybe be more confident with ability building with other subclasses too.

It gains points for the memes of Ethan Mars: World's Worst Dad but otherwise is another David Cage car crash

Really good but the moments which should have been easy slam dunks in terms of their emotional impact often fell a little flat, mostly because they were never allowed time to breathe. Great ending though and gameplay is very fun.

A remake that Persona 3 truly deserves. Fixes pretty much all issues I had with the older versions and its additions and qol features make it the definitive version of the game.

A small adventure with a massive heart. Really great feeling progression which ramps up quickly and satisfactorily

Oh yeah! Now it's Reyn Time! Hammeeeeer Beat!

Tragic. Gains a a few points for a few interesting ideas but all of them are executed sub par. Rest in peace I guess

My first Tales game completed, for better or worse. I enjoyed it, but could tell, and have since seen, how this definitely isn't the strongest entry in the series. Regardless, still enjoyed the combat and characters. Combat feels like it's under explained or something as I felt a bit lost with it sometimes, and the camera is not positioned in a favourable angle for viewing the battlefield. It's... fine. Tales at one of its low points is still seemingly not a terrible time.