don't be deceived by the style, this game is actually fucking rad and has a godlike combo system

really like the world but dragon quest combat in general genuinely puts me to sleep

battles ended up feeling like a slog
great ost though

very good game mechanically though I'm not a huge fan of the way you get absolutely swarmed in particular rooms, though one could argue parry - > special trivializes the game.
anyway the shopkeeper is real fuckin hot

there's one story moment in particular that may be the only thing I remember clearly about this game but I loved that one moment really made the game for me

short, fun, and most important of all, free.

I want to rate this higher but honestly the amount of "point of no return" points in areas is kind of annoying especially when going for 100%

I respect it and its mechanics but I'm honestly not a huge fan of it.

would've given it a 3.5 but then after completing the game I found a glitch to fling myself way into the sky with a grappling hook so it gets 4.