so much emotional payoff jesus christ

watching people go insane playing this is something special

tone down the instant death pits. this IS boost sonic at its best in the day stages.

I feel like the boost type games turned out meh post unleashed because unleashed itself really got the feel of "holy fucking shit I'm going so god damn fast" and when they decided to slow it down it felt like they might as well have just gone back to the adventure style anyway instead of doing "boost but boring"
also I just straight up do not like the 2d levels at all in the boost games.

I found the violence off-putting enough that I didn't play this for a few years, but when I finally did I couldn't stop until I'd beaten it

it's pretty aight but at some point I started thinking "it feels like I've already been here" in dungeons/catacombs/whatever and then I started questioning what I was doing with my time and that's not a particularly good sign in this case.

I think the gameplay has aged well and the game has good enough pacing that it never felt like a slog to get through, despite me getting less patient with some common old jrpg bullshit as I get older.

I'm not gonna lie my rating has a lot to do with the maid outfit

zoomin around is fun as hell


this one has maya in it, and even better, she actually talks in this one

I never played wipeout so there's no nostalgia involved beyond loving 3d psx graphics when I say this is one goodass game.

this game rules, my favorite breakout style game