7 reviews liked by Dawn_Chan

Being from 2007, this game holds up incredibly well in nearly every aspect. The whole storyline of Rosalina and the Lumas was really nice to discover throughout the game. Nintendo did a super great job of making the controls feel great while roaming around planets and such. The graphics genuinely made me forget the Wii wasn't even HD, very stunning. Might have played this game 13 years after it came out, but man it doesn't show its age at all.

Little short, but wayyy more than makes up for it with it's gripping story and clever puzzles. Making you go outside the testing chambers feels like you're breaking the game and that's a super fun feeling to me.

A memory of what once was. Personally like this way more than SIFAS, I wish they had continued to update this one rather than make a whole new game and ruin everything I liked about SIF.

Played through the whole game with my mom, that was the closest bonding experience I had with her in a long time. This game is super great as a multiplayer game, we had a ton of fun.

Alright, I'll admit it: I was wrong. I don't have too much to say but man, after beating this I can absolutely understand why it was such a monumental game. Brilliant final chapter and ending.

Original review:
After beating the original Portal, I started this one immediately with hopes of it being better than the first. The voice acting and story of the beginning was super great and fun, but around chapter 3 I believe, I just kinda... lost interest. The puzzles became something you have to spend a long time thinking about and trying things, I honestly preferred the much quicker pace of the first game. That's just me being dumb and being bad at puzzle solving, though.



I was a little hesitant on trying this game, I've never been a big horror buff and was never interested in many other RPG Maker games, but god am I ever glad I gave this a shot. It explores mental health issues in a way I've wanted a game to do for a really long time, and from the ones I can relate to, it did it really accurately. Every plot twist was done super well. The good ending had me a little confused as first, it didn't real feel like it was finished, but I couldn't get it out of my mind for days afterwards and made me reflect so much that I looped back around to loving it. There's so much in this game that just ties everything together and makes way more sense at the end, and I wouldn't have rather it end any other way.
Of course it is an RPG Maker game and it comes with the flaws of that, tile-based movement makes navigating around annoying often but OMOCAT and the team did a super great job considering their engine.
This game is definitely worth a shot if you're an RPG fan, no matter what you like about them, and even whether you're a horror fan or not. Incredible experience, I won't be forgetting about this game anytime soon.