Definitely the best chapter. There's more monsters, locations, animations, and more that makes it feel like a truly complete game compared to its predecessors. The story also fittingly reaches its climax.

Semi realistic looking horror game that doesn't really stick out much from other horror games.

• Gameplay is very solid. Combos are fun and there's not too many flaws besides simple beta moment stuff. The final release will definitely be great in this regard I think.
• Assists are better implemented than any platform fighter I've played. They're not too overwhelming but not underwhelming either. Choosing one to help you per match just feels right compared to summoning via an item like other games do it.

• The roster is incredibly small. 9 fighters for a final release is underwhelming. Most pay to play platform fighters offer around 20 and there's some free to play that offer around 50 or even more. 9 is even less than the original Smash Bros on 64. A small roster doesn't mean a bad game but there's just not many options.

Custom Content:
This is both a pro and a con. The ability to make custom content easily is really amazing but when custom content becomes equally as good as actual content then there's problems. It shows how easy new content is to make and makes the game's biggest flow even more apparent.

I wasn't expecting multiple routes but they definitely helped flesh out the characters. I was not expecting the plot twist related to the main protag and a villain at all. Nice story that touches on serious themes.

My only complaint is one I have with most visual novels. I just wish there was more gameplay.

Decent small puzzle game but doesn't really offer anything unique or exciting.

Generic arena fighter with almost no depth.

I've binge played Rising, the NES game, and Solid 1+2 before this. I didn't really care for the NES title but still respected it. The rest I loved a lot for their very powerful antiwar messages. 1 and 2 especially had strong messages that hit me hard emotionally. Additionally, 1 and Rising had a lot of charm to them. So many moments like hanging which player # you are in 1 to defeat a boss were cool and memorable.

Going into 3 I had fairly high expectations since I heard it's a fan favorite and since I loved 1 and 2 so much. Gameplay wise I like the camo system and am a bit mixed on the food system. Overall a very solid addition gameplay wise. The main thing that holds this game back for me is the story didn't impact me as much as the others. Most of the villains in this were boring in comparison to what the others offered except for one near the end which was actually very well written. Besides the spectacular ending there just wasn't much that jumped out at me during the story TBH. I do think this is a good prequel but just didn't have the extra spark that made the other games special to me. The antiwar message in other games was done better, life lessons were taught better, the plotlines felt more deep, etc.

It took them 6 games to finally make a descent one. Key word descent. As in it's not entirely garbage. The first 5 games were 1-2 hours long and only covered one story arc each. This game instead covers two thirds of the entire Bleach storyline which is quite impressive in comparison. The UI and overall quality is also noticably better than previous entries despite still being mid. Unfortunately the combat is still quite barebones even for an arena fighter.

Tiki and the Three Houses leaders are a nice start to the DLC but weren't enough alone to make me want to buy the expansion.

This added enough to somewhat be worth revisiting but not enough to actually be exciting or keep me playing for extended periods of time.

I had moderate expectations going into this and I think it met them. Had some neat plotlines and surprises. I feel like 0 kinda carried this story though. Weakest of the 3 Yakuza in terms of both gameplay and story but not bad overall. Just solid.

A short yet very charming platformer. It's not nearly as refined as the 5th installment but is a fine start to the series. I hope it gets officially localized someday.

This certainly is a game that is the thing in the title.