178 Reviews liked by DeadDuck

Do you guys remember that Smosh song?

Ratonhnhaké:ton is this series' biggest missed opportunity ; the occasion to navigate a unique perspective in a colonizer's world that could never exist in the Ubisoft superstructure anyway.

People hate on this game because they had no one. Nobody in their life that cared enough about them to experience this game with them. No sibling, no parent, no child, no friend, no hoe. They were alone. And the despair that built up inside them due to this loneliness is what ultimately culminated in them not being able to enjoy a fun game. When playing co-op it's awesome. Android/Cell saga is peak DB series already. There were also funny Android enemies that when damaged would just walk around as legs. Also my brother and I as Goku and Gohan vs Cell was so fucking PEAK.

I swear to God if I see another character having Full Power Energy Blast Volley I'm gonna become the Joker

hey its the funny guy with his fake passport i love the funny guy

I've been meaning to settle the score with Fire Emblem 7 for quite some time. For whatever reason I've always been fascinated with FE7, going back to the days when I was into Smash Brothers. "Oh, this is the one with Lyn and Roy's dad!" When looking into the series on my own time back then, I had read on a lot of pages that this one was considered one of the easiest FE games alongside the first available in English, so it made me want to start there. One problem though. The game was EXPENSIVE. Even back then mfs on eBay were scalping the hell out of these games, so my hopes of ever getting to play it dwindled.
That was until I was introduced to the world of emulation, and shortly after one of my priorities was this game. I started it... And stopped playing. Why? I forgot. Then this other time I borrowed my girlfriend's Raspberry Pie which had this game loaded on it, so I tried going through the game again. Dropped it. Then I tried an emulator a second time, starting from the beginning because I had switched emulators. I stopped playing. For the life of me I could not stick to finishing this game because I kept changing my method of playing it.
Fast forward a year or two and I had randomly been enticed to play a Fire Emblem game from start to finish, that being The Sacred Stones, and I really liked it! "Now that I'm a fan of this series, maybe this is my chance to finish 7 already!" I said, so I started playing aaaaand... I put it on hold. Yakuza had already consumed my life at that point. THEN after two months I picked up this game again and was absolutely motivated to finish it, and I FINALLY GOT IT DONE.
So onto the game itself, it's very similar to the other one I had played, Sacred Stones, which isn't a bad thing actually. I really liked the gameplay of that one so hopping into this felt really easy to do. I still had to trudge through the overly long tutorial (which at this point I had experienced nearly 5 times), but once I got to Eliwood's story things started to pick up. The gameplay of the GBA Fire Emblems is very quick and snappy, combined with stellar presentation and battle animations. I like the class system and weapon triangles which add an extra layer of depth to the combat mechanics. As for the maps, I liked most of them although the later ones can suck shit at times, especially with enemy spam. The final boss chapter was also just awful, I almost wanted to stop playing from how unforgiving and long it was. But still, I managed to pull through.
Fire Emblem 7 really stuck the landing for me because of it's characters. I already mentioned Lyn and Eliwood but HECTOR steals the show for me, he's so cool and immensely overpowered at points, alongside just being a cool character. Priscilla, Florina, Rebecca, and Marcus were also some characters I really liked, just to name a few. While many of them aren't really deep in terms of writing, they deliver by being distinct and charming in their own ways. Eliwood especially goes through a lot of tough shit throughout the story, I felt kinda bad for the guy. At the time of this review I still haven't played Hector mode but I definitely will in the future, because it adds a lot of characters and story moments to make the experience more complete. Even so, FE7 as is has a simple but fun and engaging narrative with a cast of very likable helpers.
So was it worth the wait and countless resets to finish Fire Emblem 7 to me after all this time? I'd say so. While the game is definitely very flawed, and I can see why in the grand scheme of the franchise it isn't very special, it means a lot to me because of my needlessly complex history and fascination with it. Definitely would recommend at least trying this one!

Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure is one of the most beautiful games from the Game Advance. Nobody can say otherwise.

The gameplay is near perfect. It’s really enjoyable fight against regular enemies or bosses.

Something I also have to say is: this game is really hard. The stages are huge and if you die, you’ll have to go back to a certain point and lost almost everything you did. It’s a classic ‘00 game and today I think it’s almost impossible to finish it without save state.

The story is the same one of the Dragon Ball anime. You’ll see the fist steps of Goku when he was I child.

Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure is a really fun game but really hard in its original hardware. I say that you have to give it a chance only if you are able to play it on a emulator.

This game made me have a Naruto phase in my fucking 20s. I never cared for Naruto as a teen, thought it was crap, saw this game for a quid in cex and thought itd be haha banter. I live tweeted me playing it, accidently genuinely enjoyed the story and characters (GOD the nuns games are better at telling the story of naruto than the show) and ended up drawing my weight in Naruto fanart, dragging my housemates and friends with me, convincing a friend who liked Naruto as a kid to DM a Naruto d&d canpaign which I am in, and for said campaign we all made Naruto OCs with Boruto era kids. I'm in Naruto hell and it's all because this game (and the next 2) is so much better than the anime it is based off of.

As bad as it is, I don't know any other game that emulates the experience of just walking around Florence and Venice, or the whole Italian countryside, during the Renaissance. So thanks Ubisoft, go fuck yourself.

if you think this franchise has good gameplay, good open world and a good story i have some good news for you. play literally any other game.

Great game, some jank but its really fun

Why don't people talk about inFAMOUS much anymore? The game definitely had its problems but man this game is cool and one of the defining open-world action games for the PS3.

Zipping around the city as Cole and blasting foes with electricity played excellently and it I liked all of the different abilities you unlock throughout the story. There is of course the decision to play the good or evil path which affects what you can do and encourages two play-throughs.

I really liked the story of inFAMOUS too which takes some massive swings that mostly pay off. I really didn't see the twist coming and while the story feels a little overconvoluted at times it maintained my interest to the credits and blew me away with the twist.

Now the gameplay did have some issues particularly with the traversal which could've been polished up but overall this was a good time. Sidenote- I played this as my free "apology game" after the PSN hack which took down the servers for like a month. Who remembers that?