This is game 24/71 of my backlog.
Multiple people told me not to bother playing l4d1, because l4d2 is Just It but better. After playing l4d2, i can confidently say that they're absolutely right lmao. I still think l4d1 has it's merit, and is Just a completely different game to l4d2, but like DAMN this game is such an improvement, there's WAY more replayability (although, i really don't Care too much for the mutations), more modes, more special infected. It's Just l4d, but more. The gibbing is incredible as well, If shooting in the First game Felt amazing, in this game it's Wonderful.

I've gotta say, replaying the First game's maps i thought It was gonna be a drag, but Nah, pretty fun still.

Weirdly enough though, even with How Fun i thought the games were, i'm here thinking "damn, i don't wanna play that again", which feels weird considering these are more or less meant to be replayable games. Can't do much about that though. This game is great, have Fun with it.

this is game 24/71 of my backlog.

i played this game exclusively in singleplayer, so that's what i'll be talking about, but i did try out multiplayer for a bit, and it just wasn't much fun because 1) teammates are very bad, 2) lag was unbearable.

This game is great! the campaigns themselves are not too much to write home about in terms of narrative, there IS lore but it's just kinda lame and not worth caring about, but level design it's a MASTERPIECE, everywhere you go feels like somewhere you wouldn't be able to go to in normal day-to-day life, and that you're perhaps going the wrong way, but somehow you just always get funneled right into the right path, and that isn't to say that the levels are all linear, more so that they somehow managed to make so that every unexplored path feels like the right path.

One weird thing i noticed is that there's just a lot of... empty room, no loot, no furniture, just empty, i'm not sure why or perhaps it's an rng thing but i saw a lot of those during my playthrough.

In regards to the weapons, the choices are a bit boring, i almost always went with the autoshotgun when i could, it just seems to do way more damage than anything else, and since it's a shotgun i don't have to care about spread fucking me over like the other weapons, but at the same time i wish i felt more of a reason to use the other ones.

This game is also very buggy, like zombies clipping through doors, or trying to scale up ceilings but getting offset weirdly and failing to, some things are just a bit clunky, but considering how ambitious the zombie AI (and their reactions to gunshots) i can let it slip, after all they made the very act of just shooting zombies very fun and weighty.

pretty good game, but with the sequel being a thing, i wonder if there's any point still playing this.

this is game 23/71 of my backlog.

There's no reason to be too rough on this game, it seems like just a random project a few friends put together, and it's free, but at the same time, this game just has like... nothing special about it. The graphics suffer heavily from Unreal Engine 4 syndrome, the gameplay is a very literal walking simulator, and overall it's just pretty boring. I suppose if you're into "cozy games" this might be fun for you though. Just a warning though, it runs like shit on anything but a good computer.

this is game 22/71 of my backlog.

What a great, FREE, indie game! it makes me sort of sad that it never got the complete version made, or perhaps it's just still in development, considering how much polish this version has already, i wouldn't put it past the dev to spend most of his time simply making the full game as polished as possible.

i heard someone call this a "immersive-sim", i'm not sure what that means though. either way, it's very cool. even though it uses basic textures, the ambiance is still really good, it has tasteful usage of some post processing that i really fuck with. gameplay-wise, the first half is just sorta okay, you usually only really have two routes and it doesn't really feel like the game gives as much freedom to you as it is implying, but the second half gives you a TON of options as to how to approach your problems, very good game.

This is game 21/71 of my backlog.

a friend gifted me this a long time ago, okay? it's a game and it's on my library so i had to play it

it's bad. that's all there is to it, it has some outdated memes and then you fight hitler in a church, the boss fight lasts like 10 seconds btw.

this is game 20/71 of my backlog.

Game is hard as balls ngl, pretty fun and short though. also it's obviously "haha sex" game but it's not like that questionable looking visuals wise so i think it's fine, it feels tasteful.

this is game 19/71 of my backlog.

With this, i conclude pretty much every piece of official playable half life media, with the exclution of alyx which i can't play. And to be perfectly honest, i didn't like this one too much, although i'll simply regard it as me being in a bad mood to play when i did so.

One thing that i think i only realized in episode one (but has been a part of the series since the beginning), is that the writing is... pretty cheesy. It feels a bit odd to complain about that, but damn, as much as i like alyx as a character (specially since she's useful in most of the gameplay) her jokes just do NOT land.
In regards to gameplay additions, i guess the Hunters were the big thing, i didn't like them too much, they are pretty tanky to kill with normal weapons, explosives and surprisingly the crossbow are more effective, during the last fight they were particularly annoying, because the fastest way i had to kill them was running them over with the car, but doing that is REALLY clunky and made the fight just... lame, i wish i had more fun with it, because the action seemed great for the most part. They also mostly fixed my problem with episode 1 where you'd just be sent to random ass death rooms without any warning.

the OST is just as good as the last 3 games, no complaints there.

and to finish it off... i guess i could complain about how the LOD seemed kinda messed up for me? things would every once in a while just appear in front of me, usually only after i touched them by accident.

it's okay but, i think i really fell out of love with this series, it's just not as fun as i expected it to be.

this is game 18/71 of my backlog.

This one barely counts as a game but eh, it's in the backlog. This is more of a tech demo, which for the time, yeah this looks pretty good, specially when you start off and everything looks shiny and wet because of the shore, the level is really short, beat it in 15 minutes. i sorta wish all of half life 2 looked like this, but damn i'm glad none of half life 2 plays like this, the church puzzle was REALLY cryptic. overall it's nice. i heard people say the dev comments are fun, but i didn't turn those on, so go experience those for yourself

this is game 17/71 of my backlog.

This is a pretty meh game, if half life were a franchise known for it's difficulty i would have no doubt that this game would be quite frustrating. There is way more than just one section where you walk into a room filled with explosives and can't have enough time to escape before it all goes to shit, the telegraphy of what you need to do (specially in the early parts where we're trying to fix the core) is really bad, but somehow i got it without too much trouble, felt like luck though, but at least the later parts are a bit better at it.

overall, this game is okay, it works, it's also insanely short, i beat it in a little less than 3 hours.

This is game 16/71 of my backlog.

Yeah this was pretty fun, i never actually got to beat this game as a kid, because i was pretty dumb, to make up for that i decided to beat the game in hardcore, which took me around 10 attempts, but i got there, slow and steady works well, around 40 in-game days.

early game is the same as i remember, but because of the way i decided to play, mid-game is like, a town sim game lmao, villager trading was too busted not to take advantage off.

as for the end... the boss fight itself was pretty easy, ender dragon's biggest threat is his knockback, also a shield with him might as well be useless. the thing you gotta fear the most is the endermen, one of them by itself got me to 2 hearts.

oh and... the end poem is beautiful

Compared to part 1, i'd say this was bad, but it wasn't ALL bad, as a game it was actually more entertaining, more fighting and less going around doing nothing, but the story left a bit to be desired, not on terms of what it actually told, but on how it was told, i felt like i always got confused over some very minor stuff and had to go back just to understand basic things, and it really dialed down my enjoyment of the second arc, the first arc didn't have those problems, but i simply didn't connect with it as well as i did with part 1 in general, although it was still very good! seele and fu hua are definitely the characters that deserved a whole arc for themselves, and this achieves that rather nicely, and is also in general a good holdover for part 2's release, which is soon!

I can't give this game, and by extension this story, a fair review, i am simply too biased, i can't do it. What i will say is: This is my favorite piece of media, ever, in the history of forever, it made me, a mostly unfeeling man, cry multiple times, i hold this story dear to my heart because, even though i only completed it now, i've held it dear to my heart for many years already. Finishing it just before new years was very romantical indeed.

Thank you kiana, i will continue fighting for all that's beautiful in the world.

This is game 15/71 of my backlog.

Man, i'm a bit disappointed. If you look at my other logs before this one you'll see it took me a WHILE before actually finishing this one, simply because i was busy with other stuff. i started this one with my dad because it's been a while since he did any gaming, but he was really bad and his aim just isn't the same so many years later so he got frustrated, leading me to finishing the rest of the game myself, and honestly? i'm just a bit underwhelmed, i guess because in my head this was like the toppest notch of a game ever, the cream of the crop, the Crown's biggest jewel, but then when i played it, it was just okay. maybe good sometimes.

i did have a decent bit of fun with this one, but i can say that i got confused with the level design quite frequently, and while some areas graphics wise aged like wine, others aged like milk, particularly any of the burnt down cities, they look really odd, the walls look like "The Joy Of Creation" animatronics or something, however, when i wasn't confused (which was about half the time) things went by extremely smoothly, i love the movement in this game, the sort of floaty but also heavy and just the usual Source engine jank really gives off a sense of freedom, i'm pretty sure i accidentally skipped a section my SMG jumping once. Gun play is pretty bad, but at least the enemy placement is wonderful. overall, it's a good game, and considering it's age, it's a classic.

Woah what.

No seriously what happened I didn't get it

Anyways, really sick fucking visual novel where the parts with actual gameplay actually have a decent bit of difficulty put into it, an amazing artstyle and soundtrack, it has so much style I'm okay with ignoring the blatant fanservice (I actually like it)

Honestly? Fuck it, this is a classic, play it.

this is game 14/71 of my backlog

i'm sorely disappointed with this entry in the FNAF series, i actually never played much FNAF despite... watching and knowing almost everything about it, but, i tried playing this one and, it's just not possible, i can't do it dude

granted, i had so much trouble because this game is insanely audio focused, as are so many other FNAF games, but like, you pretty much can't beat this game without audio, or specifically, without stereo audio, shit man, i went out of my way to search around for some headphones, only for the right side to die out on me, making it useless, but honestly even when it was working, it was so hard to tell apart which side the sound was coming from, this game is pretty hard to approach because of that, some visual indication of the sound would've gone a long way

i ended up just going for the mediocre ending, and well, i guess you can say i "beat" it :/

sucks, but from what i can see, this one is pretty lacking in terms of gameplay? i guess scott expected the other aspects to make up for it, but all of the animatronics are basically the same, the difficulty comes from the sheer quantity of them later on, but i imagine that AS LONG AS YOU CAN HEAR THEM it shouldn't be too bad.

it was okay.