12 reviews liked by Decora

Abandoned after encountering the uber-queerphobic bigender character. Like, what the fuck. This game isn't even good enough to get away with that shit either, it's barely even a platformer and the guns all suck complete ass.

Inti Creates do better.

Fetch-quest central gets boring fast. Mia is literally that one Egoraptor Mega Man video where Roll halts all gameplay to tell you exactly what to do. Unbearable.

The characters and vibes are all very charming, unfortunately the navigation and Investigation sections suck so much ass that I cannot be bothered to finish it.



Pretty good, only really worth calling a masterpiece because of how well it holds up despite its age combined with how it changed the industry. I really disliked Mt. Erebus.

The Mobius Machine is quintessential mediocraty in metroidvania game design. From endlessly copied hallways with the same enemies with texture changes it is a game seemingly bereft of interesting ideas. Extremely repetitive and without any proper direction for the player (which normally isn't a problem in actually good metroidvanias), this game excels at feeling like a waste of time to play.

I tried for like an hour but this game is messy as hell. The new OST is really repetitive and the first person navigation sucks. Ultimately not really worth playing since it was an experiment of a product, fortunately, Persona 2 is the shit.

While the platforming is undeniably fun, the game takes too long to hit its stride, with the first several areas being very repetitive and uninteresting. The pacing is all over the place, with each area having an inconsistent number of levels and the boss fights all being not great.

The busker sequences at the end of each level are way too involved for what is clearly attempting to evolve the Kirby endlevel minigames, but the reason those work is because they are simple and quick. The busker sequences involve landing at the top of a layer-cake-esq contraption, with each level indicating a different amount of stars you can obtain from a quick-time event minigame, which is dreadful each time. It's just too much for what should be a quick end to a fun level.

This game's fatal flaw is the pacing, which is a shame because everything else is very well realized. While the story is nothing to write home about, being completely serviceable (and a bit cute near the end), it never really evolves beyond the solid core gameplay, which ultimately leaves it as an ambitious and fun platformer that never quite sticks the landing.

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So I got to the Virgil fight, which is where all of the game's issues finally come to a head. The weird direction dependent dodging clashes with the fixed camera perspective (something I like in non-high action games) transforms the Virgil boss fight into a complete shitshow. The worst part is that it wouldn't even be worth shelving the game over if it wasn't for a twenty-minute item fetch-quest beforehand since the game only saves at the beginning of a level.

Shame, cause I would have loved to finish this, but I value my time too much to try again for now. Maybe one day, as I really do appreciate the gameplay and tone, which are sick as hell.

Sabatoge, please hire a script editor.

EDIT: Recent updates have fixed all of my problems and I now have over 80 hours in this game. I've bumped the score up too. Great for modding. Keeping the review for posterity.

I can’t help but feel disappointed. Not that Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is a bad game, but that it carries over many of the same baffling design decisions that Jet Set Radio could only get away with by virtue of being on the fucking Dreamcast. While featuring excellent gameplay and an impeccable aesthetic, BRC is brought down from the heights it could have reached by what I found to be an unusable map. It’s amazing how many games I’ve played in the last few months with bad maps. Exits to different maps aren’t labeled, costume changes, characters, and gear changes are all locked behind different and bizarre diegetic locations that not only can you not find on the map, but none of them intersect.

Say, if I want to change my character, my gear, and my costume, I might have to jump to several different maps just to locate things that should just be in a simple menu. The original JSR has a character select so I have no idea what happened here. Aside from that I can’t find much else to say just by virtue of this being a by-the-numbers JSR clone in almost every aspect. The combos are fantastic and moving around feels great, but things get repetitive quickly in my estimation. It’s not a game for everyone, and definitely not for me, which is a shame because I was so excited for it.

Katamari is life. We are Katamari.

We build ourselves up from the smallest piece of knowledge until the grandest mass of life, of our records in life, as we die memorialized as life in the skies. We are Katamari. We are the true realization of it. When one is asked, "What the fuck is a Katamari", respond with "What is life?" For Katamari is life. We are Katamari. Katamari is us. I am Katamari and you are Katamari, we are both Katamari, though I am not you. We live as the holy trinity of Katamari.

Katamari is life. We are Katamari.

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