My Favorite Boss Fight Themes of all Time.

I feel very passionate about videogames (shocking, I know) and that includes being interested about all the parts that form one: design, animations, art and of course, music.

I really like listening to some videogame OSTs, and while I'm far from being a musical expert, specially of the technical side of it, I do know some things, and I especially like to analyze the feeling that one piece of music can produce when being paired with the rest of elements that conform a videogame, case and point: boss fight themes.

And so, this list is dedicated to some of my favorites of all time! I initially wanted to do a list in more general terms, but I found it extremely hard, and so I decide to limit it to only boss themes for now. This time around it's more of a personal list, and all current and future additions are songs that I personally really like, but I would love to hear what other people's favorite tracks, so don't be shy to comment, and id this inspires you to make a similar list, even better!

For now, let's see a few bangers.


Ok, hear me out.

Bloodborne has one of my favorite soundtracks in the history of videogames, every single piece in both the base game and the DLC seem to be composed by a god of music that REALLY likes Latin choirs. Father Gascoigne, Ludwig, The Holy Blade, Lady Maria, Gehrman, the First Hunter, these and MANY others are some of the most emotional and sound tracks ever put into videogame... And yet, Laurence's theme is the one that always captivated me.

Here it is, the man responsible (in part) for the nightmare, the man whose actions turned Yharnam into a pit of plague and desperation, the man that has caused so much pain and suffering... and that it can barely be called ''human'' anymore. Here it is, in flames and it beast form, gone insane, and as it tries to kills you while his screams fill the room, a magnificent musical piece covers your ears, a beautiful and menacing final ballad that tell the story of the being you are fighting now, who once wanted to help and save the city he loved, and now it singes the praises of the Sanguine Sanctum, and the build-up and emotion is... indescribable.

I love this theme, and I really instance you giving it a listen, and especially to pay attention to the translated chorus, it's incredible how well it tells a story in the middle of the battle. Also, shoutouts to the amazing remix of Alex Roe! His SoulsBorne remixes are some of the best I've seen in all of YouTube, I really recommend checking them out!

I had a lot to choose from. In DS3 alone I had Soul of Cinder and Abyss Watchers, two of the most fantastic tracks ever produce from the Souls series.

But this one is just on another fucking level.

The prince brothers are not only my favorite characters in the game, but they are also basically a parallel to the player. They refuse to keep the fire going, they know this cycle of pain and chaos must end, even if it cost them withering away, and they will not stop at nothing, and their music lets you know this, and makes you never forget it. If this was the final boss theme, I wouldn't have doubt it for a second, it feels like a theme for a battle from which the entire destiny of the world depends on, and it part it does. Give it listen if you haven't already, it's a freacking masterpiece.

God this track is so FUN.

Everhood tackles many ''dark'' themes, but even in a battle of life or death, it manages to pull out theme that feels like its playing hot potato with itself, changing instruments, sound and rhythm constantly, and it works so well, and it’s as fun it is the battle itself!

For context, this is actually not the Final Boss' theme, despite the name, but it still has a sense of conclusion that I love, and it fits the character you are fighting against like a glove. This is just really fun and sounds amazing, not much else to say really, I simply love this one!

You are the Vessel

You are the Hollow Knight

Sealed Vessel is not only my favorite track in the entirety of Hollow Knight, but it's also probably one of my favorite pieces of music ever composed. The tragedy is told through its notes, a sad tale of a dying kingdom which was refused to let to rest by its King, and the result was, the incommensurable suffering of hundreds of bugs, and the king's offspring left in chains, awaiting the inevitable of moment of the return of the plague. It's a perfect representation for not only the entire kingdom, but also the being you are fighting, how it tries to be grandiose, but the sadness is apparent, and then it becomes clear as day. And as the fight reaches its end, and either the cycle repeats or the nightmare is over, a chorus resonates through the entire temple, only to be accompanied by the tragic notes of a lonely piano, as the strings remember the main theme, not trying to be something bigger than life, but rather beautiful and emotional, a sincere farewell, an elegy.

God, I love this game so fucking much. To be honest there were other tracks that came pretty close, both Pure Vessel and Nightmare King Grimm are fantastic pieces, but they do not compare to the sheer emotional magnitude that Sealed Vessel gives off. Simply an amazing theme, and one that made me feel things that I still find hard to really describe fully. Simply marvelous.

Gonna be a little more cryptic about this one, since Inscryption REALLY hinges on the surprises it has to offer and I don't wanna ruin that for anybody that hasn't played the game and wants to.

I'm just going to say that it's a perfect final theme for the last battle in the game, it's really evokes the feelings it wants to: it's sad and pointless, but this song is gonna play either way, and you are gonna hear it.

Love how this game communicates a ton through its sounds and music, and this is no exception, what a fantastic final boss them for what it wants to achieve.

Fight me over this one if you want, but I'll warn ya'... I'm very annoying.

Unlike the others and future tracks that I'll talk about where I have more ''meaningful'' to something to say... these ones are simply REALLY good. A fantastic theme to send off the game, that gives you the immediate feeling that Maglor is a force to be weary off and its just fun and exciting. I do love how in the second phase you can hear the main game's theme, that's a really cool detail that ends this adventure on an epic, cool and fun note.


Do I even have to say something? Just... listen to it!

It's so majestic, so tense and so, so beautiful. Breath of The Wild is already an amazing game, and finishing on this note just elevates it even higher: fighting a beast of pure darkness while riding your horse and the instruments go INSANE is one of my favorites moments of the game and the most impressive set piece I’ve seen in any Nintendo game.



Her work has always been amazing and one of my favorites in the entire videogame realm, especially her work on the Mario&Luigi series... but this?! IN A MARIO GAME?!

Bowser's final theme came close of being my favorite in the franchise but... I'm sorry, this just spectacular. A battle between pair of heroes and her eternal nemesis fighting against the biggest menace they have ever seen on top of Peach's Castle is accompanied by one of the single most incredible and exciting tracks to come out of the Mario franchise, it's dark, a bit scary even, but it screams one thing: DO. NOT. GIVE. UP.

Adventure's end from Dream Team is also a pretty close second, but In the Final wins because not only there's much more stakes in the battle it plays, but it's also the best possible send off to a Mario RPG game I could think off.

Wouldn't it be crazy that what I consider a very flawed game ended with an absolute banger that blow me away? 'cause it is.

Pokémon always had pretty good music, I think that's one of the most universal statements one could make, and they are always excelled at giving an incredible theme for their final battles: Iris, Kukui and Leon's theme are clear examples, but they always tend to go towards the ''celebratory'' side of things, almost as if the battle was already won before it finished, and again, they are all really good on they own ways, but they do not make me feel the sheer excitement and tension a ''final battle'' should do, and those that do it, like the theme of Ghetsis, are not that catchy or impactful as they could have been, at least for me.

Sada & Turo Battle Theme it’s everything I wanted out of a Pokémon final battle theme, and it made was already a unexpected but compelling ending to what was otherwise a game that kinda disappointed me all the more incredible. It's weird, it's goes crazy at moments and it creates that sensation of tension while being a fucking bop, and it might honestly be one of my favorite pieces of music of the entire franchise, is THAT good.

A battle none of the participants want to fight in, but one in which the entirety of the region hinges on, and god does it sound like it. This game knows how to touch my heart sometimes.

The Undertale OST has been dissected and analyzed so much that its almost comical for me to go and try to say something new about it, but I'll try nonetheless.

I feel like too much emphasis is put on the themes of the final bosses of the routes, and rightfully so; Megalovania, Your Best Nightmare and specially Hopes and Dreams are all incredible accompaniments to these fantastic send offs... but, for some reason, Asgore's theme is the one that always has stuck with me. Not only it feels like an incredibly climatic way to presumably what's the ending, but the force it carries it's incredible. Whereas Sealed Vessel told the story of a sad Kingdom, ASGORE this time focuses on the king, on his turmoil. Asgore does NOT want this fight, but he thinks that it has to be done for his people to be fighting, and his melancholic determination is captured wonderfully. By far my favorite track on the entire game alongside An ending, I cannot stress enough how much I love this.


1 year ago

It'd be sweet if you could link them to somewhere we could listen.

Since I'm first I'll pull the obvious ones with Other World from FFX and Battle With Gilgamesh from FFV. I think they both trump One Winged Angel which I'm sure someone will mention.

But of course I'm a basic bitch and love Liberali Fatali from FFVIII the most (though it's not a boss theme).

All from the peerless mind of Nobuo Uematsu.
Oh man I completely forgot! I was so focused on the mini-''reviews'' that I didn't notice, I'll add them right now!

And those are some really good battle themes, I really need to start listneing to more FF music. Thank you for sharing!

1 year ago

These are all great, I've never really gotten into Kirby but Kirby and his funny electric guitar midi are going off so hard in this. For me it's pretty much just, anything from Bravely Default. Any music Revo writes is like a warm bath to my brain, unless it's from attack on titan, then I'll still like it but won't admit it. If you want to hear a specific one, look up Wicked Flight from Bravely Default. I'd link it but scrolling down at all from any youtube video of it will pretty much spoil the entire game so proceed with caution if you're interested.
@Hilda Just gave it a listen and it's a BOP, really love how crazy the guitar goes, I absolutely adore how it sounds.

And if you like what you listened from Kirby, I recommend checking out the rest of the OST! All the games' music range from soothing and beautiful to incredibly thrilling, it's banger after banger.
@CURS Absolutely, Hollow Knight's OST is just too good, from start to finish.

Also just finished hearing Ultima's theme and it's official, I really need to start listening to more FF music, that one was amazing, loved the chorus and the build-up!

1 year ago

lorian and lothric fans stand up

I loved your little description of them, they're my favorite part of DS3 by far. I think their relationship is one of the few times ds has ever depicted an honest love like they share, it's very touching and I wish we didn't have to kill them

1 year ago

twin princes hell yeah!!! love that shit!!! had to pause my relaxing sleepytime playlist to relive these dudes breaking my lock on by teleporting above me every single time. i think abyss watchers just barely edges it out for me because i love the somberness but god if it isn't close. love ds3

don't have too much of my own to offer atm so i might come back with some later, i just wanted to nerd out about ds3 lol. if i have to pick one though, sacred defender (zeroranger) is one of the most a vgm track has ever made me feel when backed by its context. that whole sequence is unbelievable like how does it even exist

1 year ago

Thanks for the links! Lotta great stuff I've never heard before!
@moschidae Glad you liked it! And honestly same, they are, alongside Aldia, Priscilla, Pontiff Sullyvan and maybe Oceiros, my favourite characters in the series. They are incredibly sympathetic and their Lore is fascinating.

@theddonn It's always a good time to enjoy the DS3 OST! I totally get why you prefer the Abyss Watchers theme, it's a fantastic piece that hits right in the feels, it's truly a really close race.

And concerning Sacred Defender... I really don't wanna say much because I'll probably add it to the list sooner or later, but yeah, it's fucking incredibly. ZeroRanger as a whole is amazing in the music department, and they went full ballistic mode with that one, in both sound and hitting us in the feelings. What a god-like game.

@cowboyjosh Glad you like them! And again, thanks you for poiting it out!

1 year ago

Would you mind if I gave you some recommendations of songs you might like? I think we have similar tastes in vgm lol

1 year ago

Too many to list. Off the top of my head: Bloodborne: The First Hunter (, NEO The World Ends With You: Unpainted (, Kingdom Hearts: Wave of Darkness I (, Bravley Default II: Battle with Those We Must Face (, Shin Megami Tensei V: Dancing Crazy Murder (, & Live A Live Remake: Megalomania (
@moschidae Of course I don't mind, recommend to your heart's content! I would love to hear all your recommendations!

@CURS FF's OST , for what I've heard of it, it's incredibly especial and I can't wait to listen to more of it, some Boss themes go so hard and others are so tragic and beautiful.

And glad to see that someone also really likes Aldia. What a cool character, by far my favorite in DS2 alondside Vendrick and I really love its battle, a really unexpected way to cap off the adventure, but I loved it.

@AlphaOne2 Thank you so much for sharing these, they are all amazing! I already knew some of them, but others I had no idea about, and they all sound soooooooo good! That Bloodborne track man... From never misses in the OST department, huh?

1 year ago

Cool! While touhou is on my mind, here are some of my favorite boss themes from those games x x

My favorite songs from legend of mana were deleted off YouTube but here's one I love x

and some trials of mana for good measure x x

Thats all, i hope you enjoy at least one of them! :P
@moschidae I enjoyed ALL of them! Both Touhou songs are amazing, Iove trumpet in the first one, but the second one especially is a banger, it reminds me a lot of Kirby boss themes but still very distinct and incredibly sounding! I've yet to play anything in the ''Mana'' series, but the songs that you sent of Trials are so cheery and happy and soothing and I love them. The first one seems like something that could play in a snowy town, and I love that feeling, it’s so comforting...

1 year ago

I'm happy you enjoyed them! I never thought of touhou music as sounding like Kirby but I can totally see that, with the trumpets it kind of reminds me of earlier Kirby osts.

The mana series has an amazing soundtrack in general, the kingdom hearts composer did the ost for LoM so that one stands out as my favorite, it sucks that most of the sounds were deleted off YouTube /:

Oh yeah and I never actually said this but really cool list! Great taste in music man
Five new tracks have been added!!! Moving forward I'll probably add songs individually rather than adding a bunch in one go, but for now, I hope you all enjoy listening to these amazing tracks!

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