Nostalgia does not allow me to rate below 3 stars.

While Arkham Asylum has one of the best atmospheres you can find in gaming, paired with a pretty damn good Batman story, it is outshined by its successors in nearly every department. It's still the second-best Arkham game, despite that.

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Arkham Knight such a mixed bag for me. When it's great it's great. But the things I don't like I really can't stand.

- Story. I think overall the story is good. There are definitely aspects that I just cannot stand or appreciate but for the most part, Scarecrow was an interesting main villain.
- The combat. Oh, sweet baby Jesus the combat in this game is so smooth and fantastic. Just the smoothest most streamlined Arkham combat in the entire series.
- New stealth mechanics.
- New gadgets
- Team up missions with Robin and Nightwing. Love me some Bat-Family antics.
- Movement around the map. The use of the Batmobile and very fast grappling/grapple launch makes for incredible map traversal.
- Villain side missions. Added on the side mission aspect of City but on a bigger scale with new and returning villains to go after. Not to mention more DLC missions with even more returning villains.

- Batmobile. I enjoy the Batmobile combat and using it to get around the map. I don't however enjoy just how much they make you use the Batmobile. There's just so much Batmobile content that it starts to get old pretty fast. The sheer amount of Batmobile gameplay really brings down the score for me.
- Arkham Knight tank boss fight. I just hate this boss fight. It's just a colossal pain and I dread every time I get to that part when I replay the game. Honestly, if this wasn't in the game it would easily go up half a star.
- Arkham Knight. I really just hate the way they characterized Jason here. Under the Red Hood is one of my favorite animated movies and I just hated everything they did with him here. He's just the worst and I can't stand him. There are just so many issues I have with this version of Jason in particular but I'm not going to get into that.
- Deathstroke getting shafted. Deathstroke is one of Batman's coolest adversaries and he gets a pretty good boss fight in Arkham Origins. But unfortunately, he gets shafted pretty hard here and the master assassin/mercenary turns into an incredibly lame and uneventful tank boss fight side mission. Such wasted potential. What could have been one of the coolest boss fights ended up being just a massive joke.
- The Riddler trophies become somehow even worse than in City by adding stupid Batmobile time trials. Just awful.

I really enjoy Arkham Knight. There are things I definitely wish were different and things I can't stand to deal with. But thanks to the innovation and improvements they made here the game is still incredibly fun to play.

Resident Evil if it wasn't scary and the gameplay also sucked. Alan sucks too.

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This was my first time playing through Halo: Combat Evolved in its entirety. I've booted this sucker up a few times over the years since I got the Master Chief Collection but only ever played the first couple levels. I have a hard time appreciating games that were revolutionary when they first released because I was but a wee babe at the time. So how does Halo: Combat Evolved hold up in the year of our Lord 2023? It’s alright. Halo: CE has moments when it's quite good but It’s definitely not good from the get go. Once you get past the halfway point the game actually starts to get fun and interesting. But man, that first half is boring.

-The music is the real star of the show here. Whenever it came on during the first half of the game it managed to trick me into thinking I was playing an actually engaging game.
-Being able to swap between the original look of Halo CE and the remastered version all in a single button press is really cool. I would like if more remasters of really old games had something like that. I played primarily on the original look.
-Enemy AI is reactive and quirky
-Mission 6: 343 Guilty Spark. The story picks up dramatically and the introduction of the Flood actually makes the game fun instead of mind-numbing.
-The Flood make you have to think a bit more about your positioning so combat becomes more engaging.

-Up until Mission 6 the combat is unengaging and repetitive. Hold forward, hold RT, repeat.
-The audio mixing is garbage. Can't hear what characters are saying half the time because the music is blowing it out.
-The Warthog and Scorpion tank
-The game is dark. So dark that it is a pain in the ass. It being that dark doesn’t even serve a purpose until you get to Mission 6. After that point I am much more ok with it but still find it a bit annoying at times. Even with the flashlight.
-A lot of the levels in this are just not good. Most of the game is just copy and pasted hallways which really wouldn't be an issue if there was some sort of consistent waypoint or clear path to take. Unfortunately the waypoints only ever pop up after a certain amount of time spent struggling or if the game purposefully gives you one. They even acknowledge this in the remastered style of the game by putting literal glowing arrows on the floor to show you were to go.
-Mission 7: The Library. How does Bungie decide to follow up the best level in the game? With the fucking worst one. The Library is horrendous. I don't know how they thought this shit was ok. They took some of the biggest issues the game has and bundled into one agonizing experience. Pitch black, never ending copy pasted hallways/rooms, super easy to get lost (mainly on the original version) because it's just one big dark and gray hallway, repetitive, tedious, and lasts far too long. Does it do a good job showing the overwhelming scale of the Flood and why they are such a threat? Yeah. Is it miserable to play? Also yeah.

I believe that had I played this growing up it would be one of my favorite games. But playing it for the first time in 2023 a lot of it dragged. I think that it redeemed itself quite a bit in the second half but still suffered from the same issues. Unfortunately, the final section being a timed Warthog run left my final emotions toward Halo: CE being those of incredible frustration.

Handsome Jack carries.

Borderlands 2 has some of the worst gunplay I've ever been subjected to. Nothing feels good to use and the recoil is horrendous. It's so fucking miserable.

Personally I think it's only made bearable by playing with friends.

I've never played a Metal Gear game before and I know Revengeance is very different from the other games in the series but fuck man this is an all-timer.

However I would like to note that having to frantically wiggle the left stick to get out of a stun has to be the worst button they could've chosen. Especially considering how fucking often enemies can stun you. Terrible choice.

I'm excited to get my hands on the other games once the Master Collection comes out.

Put it on console already.

EDIT: It is on console now. :)

This plays like a game that came out in 2011.

I'm shocked that I like this as much as I do even though the tank controls make me want to whip my controller across the room sometimes.

I've seen enough. One star for the art direction.

I never know what to rate this game.

This has the best atmosphere and some of the best environments out of the entire franchise. Unfortunately, the gameplay can be quite clunky since it is the first game. I think Asylum nails almost everything perfectly, but personally it's just hard to enjoy the combat for what it is when the later games just do it so much better. It's the only thing that detracts points from Asylum for me.