This hypes itself up to be the awesomest thing ever but after you play the sonic level it slogs hard with the tails and knuckles stuff (same with the dark story equivalents) the sonic and shadow stuff are so cool I wish most of the game was them. Feels smaller than Adventure 1. The Mo cap is silly as hell love it. Love you 4ever rouge <3

This game is so cool even through the jank its super solid and fun. The cut scenes are so goofy I love them. Its kinda confusing i had my buddy sunk (hi sunko) to guide me through most of it when I was stuck but i imagine I would have gotten lost a few times. Neat stufffff

100000 trillion aura points

fuck like most of the level design

Its pretty good for the first go, the only real problem with it is the pikmin ai is pretty stupid and theres no direct control over which ones you control. Other than that its super solid and has an awesome atmosphere.

Starts strong but looses a little steam at the end, endings was disappointing. aliens...

this shit was a sloggggg but was fun bc i played it in co-op I imagine thats kinds the best way to do campaign. I think its better in its multiplayer modes, Chiefs funny.


If it werent for all the gimmicks, humor, and interactive things in this game I would have just chalked it up to it being an ok shooter but all the little things really make it enjoyable and pushes you to play more. Wonderful choice of colors too love this games look.