Pretty fun for a pay to win card game that has a surprisingly fun campaign never gonna beat it but still fun

Honestly this game is amazing for a mobile game it’s a masterpiece and super fun and unique tower defense + all the extra modes are super cool and it’s just a blast playing this for the first time

This game’s adventure mode is great and the graphics are an impotent from the last to bad this game got EA’d and got plagued by micro transactions still and super fun story mode game.

This game is so amazing it’s unreal the maps the characters the Cheetos collab it can’t get any better then this but it did with gw2 all the memories I have on this game are surreal. This game should go down in history.

They took the masterpiece that was garden warfare 1 and made it even better with this beautiful work of art. It took everything that was great about gw1 and just made it better. This game is EA’s Magnum Opus and it’s so good. Holds up to this day as one of the best team shooters

They had it perfect with garden warfare 2 and if they kept it similar to that just adding more it would have been great but they some how fucked it up with this abomination of a game. It isn’t the worst thing in the world but it’s pretty god damn bad. No variants the maps suck it gets repetitive fast and no more sticker packs. This could have easily been a great game but they some how messed up so bad. Giddy Park is cool I guess and the customization isn’t to bad. The UI isn’t terrible either.

I want to get around to finishing this game because I finished the sequel but not this one. It’s a lot of fun as a theme park sim and watching dinosaurs. It’s missing some features in my opinion tho.

This campaign was a lot of fun and a change of pace having to play it differently using the dinosaur exchange.

This game is great and it’s just jwe1 but better. Campaign was fun great new features and dinosaurs. (only issue is where are bridges 😡)

Super fun when I played it but got distracted with life and never picked back up hope to continue soon

Super fun but without mods it’s terrible.

Fun with friends a lot of annoying kids but traitors and team death match are alot of fun.

Super fun Pokémon probably my favorite loved the Pokédex wild area and raids, dlcs were really good as well

Terraria is a great game with super cool bosses enemy’s weapons and armor. It’s super fun with alot to do and see. Mods are great

Got it back on release playing it with friends was crazy fun. The it’s not a bug it’s a feature and ragdollyness is great. Super fun