Super fun on release with friends never played the first overwatch but this one was a lot of fun until I realized it’s a cash grab and you can basically only get cosmetics through money. Also super toxic some times and sweaty

Pirates are pretty cool and being able to be one in and open world pvp game is pretty cool. Been playing this game for a while and it’s pretty great. PvP is fun Tall Tales are fun, events are fun. It’s a fun game. Kinda boring alone but with friends it’s great

I mean let’s be honest Minecraft is a hall of fame game no matter who where how someone someway you know what Minecraft is. It’s probably the one of the most famous video games and it’s a lot of fun. Being able to survive is fun but so is building in creative it’s all fun. Mods also make the game even better.

Best battle Royale out there been playing it since season 3 and it’s amazing of course it’s had its ups and downs but some how I’m always dragged back to it.

In prime this game was amazing when everyone would play it it was great. Sadly it became unpopular and taken over by little kids.

I love this game to death it’s great finding all the ways to kill a target is so fun. Freelancer might be one of the best ideas of all time. Community content is also great

Honestly this game was amazing and being the biggest fan of BoTW ever I thought I would have loved this game and I would have liked it even more the BoTW but I didn’t don’t get me wrong ToTK was amazing but I didn’t have the same feel as BoTW. The enemies while fun unique and hard couldn’t compete with the guardians. The story was great but for some reason I liked BoTW’s more. I really hated the whole weapon combining system and how everything was decayed. I loved this game but it just wasn’t as good as BotW was.

For never have playing a Pikmin title and going into this game blind It was amazing. Once I started playing this game I could put it down and it was so fun I loved organizing my little flower buds around to get stuff done efficiently or Dandori

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I almost love this game as much as BoTW I think it’s great personally I had a ton of fun with it and it is challenging at some points. I also enjoyed how they game us more story to the characters in BoTW how we never really got to meet and had characters from BoTW appear more towards the end. In the end I had a lot of fun and thought this game was great

Where do I even begin with how great this game is I love it some much it is probably my favorite game of all time. One of my favorite parts about it is freedom to do whatever you want and there is so much to do. The story is great, the bosses are mostly great and the npcs and enemies are great. So much fun.

Fun with friends and when alone cool operators with cool ability's.

I LOVED this game I know super buggy and all but riding on dinosaurs is awesome and fighting people with them is super cool and a lot of the mods are really cool as well. I never actually beat this game and I have played it for probably more then 1000 hours but still super great game

Solid title played through half of it seems pretty fun and want to eventually return to it

Best Mario game of all time play it a bunch all the kingdoms are unique and fun to go through meeting all the people. The capturing mechanic is a lot of fun. I love to just run around in this game sometimes and practice tricks with cappy. Love this game