Ah Super Mario Land 1, what a strange little title you are.

Is it as good as super mario land 2? Not at all, but it is still a fun game in the long run. It has a lot of interesting aspects and powers up in it that are completely exclusive to this game.

Pizza Tower....what an absolute rush of a game if ive ever played one. The controls take a hot minute to used to, but once you understand the flow of game play it is such an insane ride.

The level gimmicks are fun and imaginative, the secrets and treasure collection is on point. The ranking system adds alot of depth and show of skill if you can get the hang of doing everything non-stop in one epic go.

This is the kind of game I will probably revisit from time to time to improve my skills and toy around with from time to time to try and get 100% someday, but for now, its time to let sleeping Peppinos lie.

I got an 83% as my final judgement and I gotta say....not bad....not bad at all.

Megaman 2, what a massove improvement to the original game and formula it created. Better abilities, better platforming and stage design and of course, better music.

I dont believe this to be the perfect legend some claim it to be, but this game is a massive improvement over the previous title in almost every way. Its just a good time, and quite enjoyable.

Say what you will about the Original Final Fantasy game, it has such an Iconic musical score and an adventure that sey the foundation for greater adventures yet to come.

For an NES RPG, it was incredibly inuitive for its time and the Pixel Remaster only served to create anceven grander experience. Its not a perfect game, some bugs and glitches and down right broken systems do bog it down a little, but overall its a great time.

Streets of Rage 3, such missed potential and genuinely a game I find to be unfun to play.

This game certainly has its moments and the story presentation is actually pretty cool. However, the music and gameplay do not match up resulting in a fairly janky and often irritating experience compared to SOR1&2.