By the time I started playing the online the community was kinda dead but it's still one hell of an experience.

This game not only has a very relaxing and enjoyable gameplay, its subtle storytelling is one of the most brilliant examples of taking advantage of your own genre to tell a story.

When I bought this game I was like 8 years old and I had to choose between it and New Super Mario Bros 2. Best decision that 8 year old me ever did

An extremely charming 3D platformer that definitely deserves all of the love it has.

The only Pokemon game I've (almost) fully finished and a very great one as well.

The only thing is that I played on an emulator and it glitched my items right before the elite four so yeah that was pretty sad but it's not really the game's fault it's just life.

While in terms of puzzles it's not as good as Limbo, it's still a great game that achieves its atmosphere wonderfully.

A very charming and fun platformer that will remain as a timeless classic for generations to come.

Also yes I did use the rewind feature in the switch and yes it makes me not able to sleep with myself sometimes.

Is insane how unnecessarily hard this game goes in every single aspect.

Yeah sure it's dated on aspects like the camera and not every area is a winner and so on but its undeniable that this is one of the most important games of all time, and even beyond that is just simple fun in it's maximum expression.

A revolutionary and deeply impactful game in both gaming as a whole and to me as an individual.

The most fun that I can extract out of this game is play the open world as miles morales, put what's up danger in the background and pretend I have a ps5.

While a better story mode and a few extra modes would've been welcomed, it's hard to deny that this is one of the best fighting games ever made, and (from the very few that I have played I'll admit) became my favorite almost instantaneously.

Is very impressive how a game where you stay 99% of the time in a small booth can have not only a fantastic story, worldbuilding and charisma but also have a gameplay loop so perfect that makes you want to unlock every single finale.

While its not very memorable and its very generic in a lot of ways, it doen't change the fact that this game's level design its absolutely fantastic.

Pretty damn good but kinda forgettable in comparison with other 3d marios.