I also don't like this one, either.

A fantastic experience plagued by the gameplay engine it's made in. It practically perfects the open world structure that black flag showcased and shakes up the gameplay with some much needed mission variety. On top of all that I found the plot much easier to follow than the base game. Where Edward was driven by greed, a very selfish desire I couldn't personally get behind, Adewale is selfless and has such a strong desire to help others but fails to look before he leaps.

Overall, I'd actually recommend this before I would black flag. While it's lacking some polish like every game in the series it's density and short length make it a much more memorable and fulfilling experience compared to some other entries in the series.

It's fine. There a a lot of gameplay elements that I don't think fit in with the type of story the game's trying to tell which really messes with the pacing and overall enjoyment.

Pretty fun and short beat em up. It's funny seeing that lines they chose from the film would later become very iconic lines or real funny memes.

Pretty fun movement mechanics and some cool music and aesthetics. Other than that, the missions all just feel copy and pasted and the humor just never landed with me. If the comedy doesn't land the whole experience falls apart and it really becomes grating after an hour.

It's a good game but just not for me. Very similar vibes to Borderlands.

Want a run and gun arena shooter with repetitive gameplay riddled with lots of minor bugs and level design that's not all too interesting? Not really.

Want a character driven story about dumb space superheroes learning to be a family, helping each other overcome the trauma of their pasts, and pushes the boundaries on what a super hero story is capable of?
Sign me up.

It's got plenty of problems and lots of moments that just really take you out of the experience, but, if you're able to look past the flaws, there's something really special here. I think this game could've been amazing if it was given more development time and aspects of it were fully fleshed out and polished but what we got is still alright gameplay wise and fantastic story wise.

If you're someone who enjoys story over gameplay do not pass this one up.

Not the type of game I like but seems good.

Loved this game back in the day. Never battled any friends or anything but had fun nonetheless.