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Flameyboy928 finished Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

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This review will contain spoilers

As with pretty much all FPS games that I review this is for the campaign only as I haven't played the multiplayer or any other modes.

MW3 is my favourite COD by a longshot. It has been my favourite from when I first played it years ago on my 360, I have probably played the campaign like 5 times and I never get sick of it.

I really enjoy the story and think it carries over well from the end of MW2, with Makarov as the centre piece big bad this time the remaining members of the 141 must hunt him down as the Russian army ravages its way across Europe. Only a few main stay characters are left by this game but they are at their best, Price and Soap are great in this game with Price being the ultimate bad ass throughout. Cool to have the playable character actually speak for once with Yuri frequently talking during cutscenes, he also has a decent bit of backstory unlike most other MW protagonists. I like the B plot characters a lot in this game as well, obviously nothing too special but I like that they are a lot closer than the other B plot characters in the MW games normally are, you can tell that they have been a team for a long time and not just been thrown together for a mission. Can't talk about the characters and not mention Makarov, the best villain in the COD franchise by far, such a ruthless psycho and his death during the final mission goes down as one of the most satisfying villain deaths ever. Speaking of deaths, Soap's death will never not be sad despite the fact it has been horrifically meme'd to death over the past few years.

I think the missions in this game are some of the most entertaining in the franchise. Each mission feels completely different with different locations and massive set pieces. The variety in mission locations is amazing with almost every mission being set in a different country ranging from the USA, UK and France to places like Sierra Leone and the Czech Republic. The set pieces are I think, the best in any COD game. So much variety with fantastic visuals to boot. Going from running through a war torn New York City, Chasing a hijacked subway train through an underground route, fighting through a sandstorm, launching a full on assault on a hotel dressed in riot gear and watching the Eiffel Tower collapse in front of you. No COD game has ever managed to capture these amazing action movie set pieces like MW3 did, in my opinion.

Gameplay wise it plays the same as MW2, could of had some better improvements in either the movement or combat but MW2 played really well so im not complaining. Shooting feels responsive but the movement is a bit clunky in places. I think visually this game holds up really well, that kind of goes hand in hand with the set pieces with massive city scapes that hold up very well visually. Music is pretty good too with a few solid tracks.

I never played the multiplayer or any of the other game modes so I can't comment on any of them. From what I can gather it was pretty divisive with some liking it and others hating it but I think that can kinda be said for the whole game in general.

Overall I really don't understand why this game is hated as much as it is. I think it has the most action packed campaign out of any COD game alongside a pretty decent story to pair with it. Not sure how much criticism the campaign alone gets or if the distaste for the multiplayer and other stuff over shadows it. Doesn't matter to me though as I will always love this campaign. A great action packed experience.

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

Flameyboy928 finished High on Life
I've had this game on my backlog for quite a while and with it being removed from Gamepass this month I decided it would be best to play it now and save me paying for it later.

I had a lot of fun with this game, its a decent FPS shooter with some funny moments thrown in for good measure. The story is pretty decent and moves along quite quickly, I was actually quite surprised by how short the game was. The 4 guns that accompany you throughout the game are what pass for the games side characters, I didn't hate them nearly as much as a lot of people did. The boss fights are quite fun and all feel quite different, the final boss is a bit lackluster though.

I really like the movement mechanics with boosts, the jetpack and anti grav boots. Adds a lot to the traversal parts of the game which serve as good breaks from the action. I found each gun to be equally useful and swapped between all 4 very regularly. Shooting combat is good, nothing ground-breaking but fun none the less. The large gauntlets of enemies get annoying quite quickly as they throw ungodly amounts at you multiple waves at a time, also there isnt a lot of enemy variety so killing the same 5 enemies over and over again gets pretty repetitive.

I think the game relies a lot of its comedy as a selling point which is a pretty bold move as comedy is very subjective. The game feels like an episode of Rick and Morty which I think was the exact goal they were going for. I was a fan of the early seasons of Rick and Morty but kinda fell off watching it as its went on but in general I do find a lot of the dry humour funny so I had a good time with the dialogue. Obviously comedy, especially this kind is very subjective so if you don't find Rick and Morty funny, probably best to skip this as it will infuriate you quickly, there is an option in the settings to limit the chatter from the guns when outside of scripted dialogue sections but it seems like even that is too much for some people lol.

Visually I think it looks great, each area feels different and the aesthetic works really well. Soundtrack is pretty decent as well.

My biggest problem with this game is its repetitiveness, going from gauntlet of enemies to a parkour movement back to gauntlet of enemies and so on and so forth until you get to the boss. Some areas have other little things put in to break these parts up but they are to far and few between.

Overall its a fun FPS experience that I would normally recommend as long as you can put up 8 hours of Rick and Morty humour. I don't really get why this is as hated as it is, outside of its creep of a creator.

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