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DissonantCookie commented on DissonantCookie's review of Silent Hill 2
@CHOQE I really appreciate it! And I'm also very glad to hear this game can mean so much to other people as well.

6 days ago

DissonantCookie reviewed Silent Hill 2
This game always meant quite a lot to me. This is where my love for psychological horror as a whole started for sure, and I've never been able to look back.

Silent Hill 2 was probably the first horror game I was truly infatuated with because of the way it dealt with themes like depression, abuse and trauma -- which by today's standards may not be all that amazing or groundbreaking, but still. The art style, the oppressive atmosphere, the sheer symbolism behind most things that are presented to you always got stuck with me and randomly pops in my head every now and then.

I'd be lying if I said this game's story didn't make me shed a couple of tears, too. Its narrative can feel heart-breaking if you have a way of somehow relating to it - and just for that I think it earned a permanent spot in my heart.

On a personal note, this experience also shaped some of my taste in music and even my desire to become a videogame composer at some point. Got Akira Yamaoka to thank for that.

Anyway, this game is for sure one of my favorite games of all time.

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago

DissonantCookie reviewed Iron Lung
This game managed to terrorize me in a very particular way since I suffer from severe thalassophobia, which I know is entirely subjective.

Regardless, something abut being stuck in a tiny submarine that's not even built for the depths you're thrown into is terrifying for me. Your only way of somewhat taking a peek outside of the submarine is by taking pictures of what's directly in front of you - and, of course, that design choice is what makes this whole thing work.

Made me crap my pants more than once but I'd still recommend it.

6 days ago

DissonantCookie reviewed This War of Mine
I always thought this game was really unique and honestly the only anti-war experience out there. It doesn't put you in the shoes of a soldier but regular civilians just trying to survive through one more measly day. It's set in one of the most brutal wars in recent memory, and it does a decent job at portraying that (as much as it can be done in a game you actually wanna sell, that is).

Its narrative is interesting and heart-breaking at times. Sadly, the gameplay loop can become too stale and trivial at some point because the only real challenge lies in the first few days.

6 days ago

6 days ago

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