19 Reviews liked by DomoLogs

Incredible amounts of heart and soul in only 155,54 MegaBytes

God I wish there was more than 1 song in this game


Warten of Peakpeak just keeps getting better

Banbanners, how do we keep winning

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Is this expansion perfect? No. There's a long stretch of little to no significant story, and I really disliked how they handled unlocking certain customization features. But DEAR GOD does this game have some of the highest peaks in the entire Xeno series. All of Chapter 5 was beat for beat perfect. Amazing ending to the trilogy of games I love so much.



This shit made me fucking hate my cat

Name a more peak game. I'll wait

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If you think this game is bad you're mentally ill. This shit revolutionized the boost formula and did it fucking right. Best sound track, best character introduction, and over all best game the sega team fucking put out in that era. shoot yourself if you think other wise

the reason why im trans gg

not really but this shit resonates with my community so i have to be good at it.