30 reviews liked by Donnimation

Standing here, I realize you were
Just like me trying to make history.
But who's to judge the right from wrong.
When our guard is down I think we'll both agree.
That violence breeds violence.
But in the end it has to be this way.

y'all remember that one part where the fairy girl was super racist towards asains at one point what the fuck was that about

Whoever designed these bosses, I wanna have a stern talk with you.

Also, this multiplayer is ass.

My number one most overrated game of all time....is Tetris.

Tetris theme plays for two seconds
Ok, seriously people? You are seriously going to call THIS GAME, one of the greatest games of all time?! Alright alright alright...you're telling me you'd rather play TETRIS....then Metal Gear Solid 3? You would rather play....TETRIS....then Skyrim?! You would rather play....TETRIS....then Team Fortress 2 (do you see where I'm going with this)?!

I see this game on DOZENS of "Best Games Ever" lists and it just doesn't deserve it! And before you go all ape on me I am fully aware of the history behind Tetris and how much it impacted the NES's sales, but that's more of it being influential rather then a good game! When was the last time you actively sought out playing TETRIS?

When was the last time you thought "Hmm...I don't think I wanna play Battlefield 3, I think I wanna play some Tetris." I bet it was you were waiting in line for something and had nothing else to do. I'm The Fiery Joker and I'll conceit that Tetris is a fun and challenging game.....but it does not deserve to stand amongst the greatest games of all time!

This game opens up with a jumpscare and I was never the same since.

The moment 8 year old me witnessed Shadow cocking a gun at the first frame of the intro my childhood life changed forever.