I think it's made well enough but after finishing it I can't help but wonder why I didn't really enjoy this game as opposed to other platformers like Celeste. I found myself getting quite frustrated with parts of Celeste but never really felt frustrated with MeatBoy. But when I really think about it, I never once found myself thinking I was having fun with Meatboy, and I think that left me without any attachment to the game. I felt no desire to continue playing after finishing the main story, no desire to go beyond the bare minimum after the first couple worlds. If the game was fun to me I know for a fact I would go further, but at some point it felt more like I was playing the game out of an obligation to finish it.
I'm giving it 3 stars, not because of how much I enjoyed the game but because I'm sure there's a good game here for some people. Just... Not me.

Felt much weaker than the previous two entries. Wouldn't recommend playing it.
Game was just riddled with problems that I don't remember being present in the others. My playthrough also ended early because I got stuck in a fight with a scripted ending that wasn't working properly, leaving me in a purgatory state. The only fix I could find online would have sent me back several hours, so I decided to give up there.

Was on the fence with this one when I first started it, didn't grasp me from the prologue/tutorial, and starting off was definitely a bit weird.
Once I got going though, I had a hard time putting the game down. Optimal experience is definitely to go in blind and avoid looking anything up, as it's a really rewarding and enthralling game.