54 reviews liked by DoorSSBM

Like playing a slice of life, coming of age anime with a little bit of Sentai / Kaiju genre pastiche thrown in as nostalgic underpinning, fitting of the time and place (1970's rural Japan). No doubt a personal connection shared by many of the creators, the love put into the game is easily felt; it's charming, short and sweet, and makes you feel like a kid again for a precious few hours.

As a 3D platformer, this game is fantastic. Beyond the movement being extremely fluid and responsive it has an aspect that I seek out of 3D platformers, expressing yourself with said movement. You can, in a way, sequence break levels, which I did a lot by abusing the wallkick, to the point that the bounce jump was the very last upgrade I got. It's the perfect combination of letting you go crazy with the sandbox of movement, but also incentivizing you to do so.
However, as a metroidvania, ehh...
The combat just sort of exists and while the lack of a map is a problem the real issue the lack of direction. It never actually feels like any of the areas are connected, so a lot of time I got this feeling of "Oh, I'm here?" At the very least I appreciate the game's direction of "Just go find these 5 thingamagigs and get to the end."
The foundation is more than great, so I'm hoping a sequel comes one day to polish the rough edges.

A masterpiece sequel adding wonderful setpieces, art design and voicr acting onto one of the best puzzle games ever, This is the kind of game that goes down in history immediately.

The best overrated game you'll ever play.

The perfect way to remake a game, it succeeds at nailing the claustrophobic horror thought only possible with fixed cameras and has plenty of bonus content to keep you entertained far after the first clear.
Gameplay is tight, combining the puzzle solving, atmosphere and pace of the original whilst having the satisfying gameplay and silky movement more recent titles like 4 are known for.

In a series I'm not really a fan of, Ultimate disappoints me incredibly just for offering the least so far in terms of solo content and goodies to sort through in respect to the series it features in its cast.
If you're someone who's a fan of the gameplay of the series it probably won't get much better than this (other than Melee, but that's another discussion) but past that I would only recommend this game over 64.

A genuine masterpiece in puzzle gameplay, managing to make something incredibly basic force you to think outside of the box to overcome all kinds of puzzles, all while balancing Valve's master class "show don't tell" writing while making sure there's still a story to speak of.

A beautiful remaster to one of the best action adventure games ever made, I would easily consider this to be the definitive version of this game.
If you haven't played this at all, you're missing out on some of the most creative dungeon designs in the industry as well as some of the most beautiful yet iconic moments in any game ever, while having plenty to discover, this game is one of the few that does truly feel like an actual adventure.



An interesting look look into the whole idea of transhumanism and what really being alive or human means, though gameplay is quite shallow and a very face value look over the topic.

This game is really a sleeper hit. one of the best 3D platformers I've ever played, elegantly combining the Metroidvania style with Super Mario 64-esque movement and level design, it's a really well put togehter and a must play for any fan of the genre.

However, there are a good few snags that keep my overall score for the game low, to start, the current version of the game lacks a map, and while it's easy to figure out where you're going without it, it's a convenience that would have gone a long way, it really makes it feel like you're just totally stuck but it was just a matter of not having explored a specific room.

The combat sucks, just straight up sucks, but after you've gotten a few abilities you're able to avoid it or just dance around your opposition, but due to this the very beginning of the game is a total drag (especially the tutorial boss, a lot of shitty hits you'll be receiving) and the final boss, the only real boss battle of the game, ends up feeling boring and tiring.

Some of the abilities as well are a bit awkward to control, particularly the wall run and the wall kick.
The wall run just performs very awkwardly, not going forward if you're facing the wall too much, but not making up for this by having a larger range from which you can start wall-riding from, on this one section where you had to wall-ride a long distance, I had more consistency doing a sequence break jump over the intended route.
The wall kick is just annoying, you're intended to use it for a bit of extra air-time, but if you use it and you connect with a wall at any point during the animation, you'll kick off of it, instead of only kicking off the wall if you click while/right before you hit the wall, it's easy enough to learn how to deal with this but it makes comboing wall kicks into wall-rides nearly impossible.

But back to the praises, the level design is just phenomenal, it's really fun to jump across all the areas, and the level design has a (potentially) unintended ability to allow you to sequence break quite often, but not soft-locking your game due to either feasible jumps or carefully placed save-points, and it adds a lot to the movement of the game.

The art-style is gorgeous, really making everything feel hazy and dream-like, whilst not feeling like a mess thematically, with my biggest criticism being that the protagonist not wearing any leggings just looks... weird (Which you thankfully can change in the settings, looks great!)
And on-top of all that, the soundtrack is great, a very, again "dream-like" feel for a lot of the tracks, but still catchy and unique enough to give each area it's own "feel"

There's not much story to speak of and what does exist is a
very VERY abrupt ending with no fanfare, just being kind of a hand-wavy "the final boss was the personification of the dreamer creating this world and your victory was merely just letting them know they need to wake up and move on from whatever is holding them back from their real life"
but it's not a big deal as the story isn't really the hook for this type of game, but rather is just a dressing to give it all a nice theme.

Not sure what the mix with art-deco and medieval castles is about though, probably just something stitched together because it looked cool or whatever.

Anyways, I recommend this game big time, and I'll probably be upping my score on this if I get back around to the game after they add a map to it (and maybe some QoL changes)