Only thing that’s aged is the combat and that’s just cause every game afterwards does it better.
Officer Balls/10

This game wears its references on its sleeve and I love it a lot for it.
It takes heavy inspiration from the Mega Man franchise and a bit from Castlevania too (The final boss especially).
8/10 really fun and short beat em up with that Batman TBATB campiness.

Holy shit I never thought a game made for toddlers was gonna get me as hype as this game did.
Woolie wasn’t lying, Kirby goes so fucking hard.
10/10 it made me Haiii

Yeah this game perfectly scratches the itch that JSR and JSRF left.
The story is also really good, and still has that cyberpunk, mildly dystopian vibe to it.
10/10 highly moddable and highly replayable

I played this with a mod that lets you play as Mega Man X.
8/10 better than playing Mega Man X7

The story mode is the best story to come out of any Tekken related media and there’s no competition.
The game is raw af too I love the heat system.

Solid game with a nice story and really cool overall gameplay loop.

The combat is better than I thought it was but all the other grimy mobile game stuff is still at the core of this game.
The voice acting is very cheap, most non-cutscene text seems to be poorly machine-translated, and the writing is very ok.
Most comfortable uninstall of my life. 3/10 Nero can't use Buster

Birth By Sleep made me relive the magic that made me fall in love with Kingdom Hearts. And it did that in the most genuine, heartfelt, and passion-filled way.
5/5 10/10 100/100
Surpassed KH1 as my favorite Kingdom Hearts game.
(Anyone who tells you this game is bad is a liar and shouldn't be trusted)

The sequel to peak fiction is still just as peak as its predecessor.
A lot of boss fights are based on gimmicks but KH2 is so cool it doesn’t matter.

Shoutouts to me dying to landmines 3 times in a row.
This game is horrifyingly fun even if two of my friends are the real life equivalent to Beavis & Butthead.

Now I know why people like this series so much.
Spectacular Boss Fights and an even better soundtrack.

If I wasn’t already Bi and Enby, this game would’ve made me realize that.
The passion and genuine effort put into creating this game and having it be the best it can be makes me love it more than I already did initially.
10/10 Doorcore Game that will always have a special place in my very queer heart.

Despite me slightly liking Jet Set Radio more, this game is still peak fiction.
Shoutouts to upping the ante from corrupt, militaristic, fascist cops and assassins in the previous game to dystopian, Cyberpunk hellhole fueled by Capitalism.

Game so bad I refuse to put it in played.