Play as a bullet wielding a weapon that is a bullet that shoots gun which shoot bullets at your enemies who are bullets that wield guns which shoot bullets

I wish my save file didn’t corrupt TWICE and make me restart but also this game is so fun I don’t even care

Better characters than the first one also school mode still sucks why do you torture me so

Heavy is dead. More like, TF2 fan base’s will to live and developing team is dead

I have several thousand hours on this game, mastery 7 on a third of the roster and mastery 5 on over half—just don’t play the game don’t do it it’s not worth it

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I figured out only one of the trials that was the one when Kyoko Kiwigiwi teamed up with Kyoko Kiwigwi to kill Kyoko Kiwigiwi but then they betrayed Kyoko Kiwigiwi and killed them instead.

Also school mood sucks donkey balls make the game more fun to 100%

Would ya kindly like to explain why my mother unironically suggested I read Atlas Shrugged

I don’t understand how this game became so popular there literally not even controls you just move around it’s cool though