While objectively very beautiful, there's so many minor issues I have with this game that make it beyond frustrating. Some of these include the way the amount of color and detail on the screen can make it hard to see what's attacking you. The bash skill was highly inconsistent with regards to how close I needed to be for it to function. When you go upside-down, the controls, don't change, so you're inversed for these movement segments. While all of these things are manageable, the mere fact that they exist makes the game more obnoxiously difficult than it needs to be. Much of the difficulty I experienced while playing the game came from control issues, or other issues with illogical respawn states and game progression

The half star for this game and for LoL are not equivalent

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I want to eat the moon berry

Would ya kindly like to explain why my mother unironically suggested I read Atlas Shrugged

I suck at fighting games but all of my friends are great it’s no fun to play with them

I have several thousand hours on this game, mastery 7 on a third of the roster and mastery 5 on over half—just don’t play the game don’t do it it’s not worth it

Heavy is dead. More like, TF2 fan base’s will to live and developing team is dead


Fuck those stupid ass flying bugs and the death claws