From Software Soulsborne Games Ranked

Demon's Souls and post all those games ranked. Haven't tried the Kingsfield games or Armored Core n whatnot, so don't ask me lol.

Other than some obviously rushed areas like Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith, I love this game to bits, and for a long time, it was my all-time favorite game. Still highlights all the amazing bits on how From Software tackles game design, but sadly lessons were not learned from this game. If the second half of this game didn't rely on its fast travel so much, this would easily be the best 3D Metroidvania game, no question. I just hope Elden Ring's open-world approach will feel as organic as Lordran, but I kinda doubt it.
I actually didn't enjoy this game at first due to retroactive reasons (30 FPS, no omni-rolling, item burden, annoyingly designed areas like Shrine of storms second half, etc.) but now finishing it three times now, this game is very special. Has probably one of the best atmospheres in any video game, I even like it more than Dark Souls 1 in that regard. I also like how open-ended you can tackle all the areas, and how each area's loot has benefits and downsides. All of the bosses too are so clearly and considerately designed. Like I don't know man, it's just a fantastic game.
Kind of a bias pick here since Dark Souls III was my introduction to the series, but I still think this is a fun romp of a boss rush game. It has a lot of the design quirks of other Souls games that I don't like, such as an over-reliance on rolling, linear world design, and homogenization on how to tackle bosses (roll, attack, roll), but it makes up for it on how customizable you can make your character and build. I dumped an absurd amount of time on this one so it has a special place in my heart.
Pretty good game and a step up from Dark Souls II, but still has some elements of From Software cliches that make me rather just play the games above it instead. Also runs rancidly on PS4. Sony please give us a 60 FPS PS5 patch or a PC Port.
The more I think about Sekiro, the less I like it. It almost breaks the mold of the repetitive feeling combat the later From Software games have, maybe almost character action game-like, but then it railroads into becoming a parry rhythm game in the style of Furi, with very specific tools you can actually use on boss fights. It also doesn't explain these mechanics very intuitively, making a lot of these systems fly over my head on my first playthrough. Still pretty good, just kind of a mixed bag for me. RE2 should've won GOTY instead to be honest.
I will find the man that decided to tie roll invincibility frames to a stat and make him dodge my jank-ass hitbox.


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