After 100%ing the first Season and Preseason I was really anticipating this but damn did I bounce off hard. Maybe it was the news that it was going back to a 1 year release cycle but I stopped caring. Abandoned like 2 weeks in.

Coming to terms that Fortnite may be your favorite game is tough. I'm at the point in the double digits in the past 6 years that this game has existed that I have not only maxed out the battle pass but that I played daily and still got excited about a win or completing a hard challenge or even getting a sick kill. I wrote a whole thing when the last "build season'" dropped about how building was core to this game and why it's a mechanic that made every other game feel lesser because of it. Then no-build came around about a year ago and it made me love the game even more, and now after a year of sitting on it this is the best game ever made. Multiplayer wise but also, and this may sound like a side tangent, but my reservation of playing a long 100+ hour RPG is that I grind for 100's of hours but once the game ends, that's it. All that is confined to that game and yeah the story may be great but I know at the next game that's it, I'm starting from square one so what's the point of the grind. Here, I come back because not only only do I love the game, but I want to have those rewards, I want to own every character I can and I love doing it. I play this game as a single player game I have for over 3 years. I play each challenge like I am in a world full of random NPC's and I'm just trying to get XP. I drop in with that goal but quickly I start getting some kills. 1 turns to 3, 3 turns to 5, 5 quickly becomes 10 and then the challenges don't matter I'm going for a win, I zero in and maybe I lose maybe I win but I'm invested every game. The Challenges are the backbone to my enjoyment but that game drives that love. On the last day of the season I was just as invested as every other week and it's been years of this. I love fortnite it's a perfect game to me. Fuck you if you don't agree

Season one added some guns and Shipment. The crack to CODs cocaine. A mode so addicting that going back to regular COD is near impossible. I love Shipment and just 5 hour stretches of maxing out every gun and this gave it to me. Also warzone and dmz rock.

Reviewing this as a base game at the mid -point of Season 2 because I'm lazy and didn't want to review this 5-ish months ago when I finished the Campaign and Season 1 Started. So I'll start with the Campaign. I have purchased 85% of every COD game on launch day. The first one I got at launch was MWII in 2009. I was a bright faced 13? year old and never experienced something so amazing, but it was literally the only other COD Campaign I ever beat. While I purchased COD 4 and WAW after launch I would maybe put about 2-3 hours into the Campaign and go, yeah I'd rather be playing MP and that was that. MW2 (2009) was different. It felt so massive, ecery set piece still is stuck in my head 14 years later. So the best move COD ever made was releasing the campaign 2 weeks early. Because I was so desperate for a COD after skipping last years. That I instantly jumped in on the Hardest difficulty because I wanted to be ready. What I got was feeling like that 13 year old again. The political intrigue of the story that was surprisingly very anti military and had enough twists to keep me engaged throughout was awesome. Also the constant changing of game types kept me into it until the end. And parts were so hard that I had to redo them like 50 times but it never broke my spirit. Now the multiplayer. I get the complaints but to me this game feels better than MW(2019) which is the last COD game I put 100+ hours into. It's COD what can I say, the grind was incredible. The new gunsmith was so my shit, and there was no flaw to me I hit max level for pre season 1 and didn't stop.

I thought I liked Spatoon, I really did. I skipped the first game but the Second game fucking ROCKED. I would grind it solo or with random friends on twitter and had just a ball. I loved everything about the combat and movement and STYLE. So when this was dropping, Day one purchase and holy shit is this game not for me. When I say I put in 4 hours that's being generous. I mean it's literally Splat 2 but yikes this is waking up to a one night stand and just seeing a different person. Like it looks fucking terrible. Barely runs even docked. Everyone is cracked out to the point of being unenjoyable but even when you have a good game, a kill or even a win doesn't feel good. This game is honestly as optimized as a Switch game can be and still is the wake up call Nintendo needs to update this fucking console.

So I regularly download the Number 1 game on the app store regularly and this was it idk at the point of writing this like 9 months ago but at the time I knew of Vampire Survivors but never played it. So this was my first taste of "Bullet Heaven?" (I fucking hate the name) games. And it was really cool, I loved the grind of this game, they made you feel ultra powerful but it felt like a chore. After the first like week or so I would check in do a daily and be like "I'm not having fun with this" and like would level up my weapon and eventually after a month just gave up, maybe it's because of the mobile aspects but it just didn't feel good.

I maxxed this season out but legitimately forgot literally everything about it I think it was great but what came next was actually perfect.

Yeah this season fucking rocked, I really liked the battle pass and the No-Build changes they made, made the mode feel even more fleshed out. I just caught myself at the end of the season still really having a ton of fun, I just love how fortnite feels, running around and blowing Gokus head off with a shotgun and hitting the macarena as superman really makes everything make sense

Yeah so this falls into the "Apple Arcade games that clearly had monetization built in but ripped it out to put it on the service" So what you get is an awesome Burnout game which controls incredible, all the cars feel different and have really good weight to them, which in turn makes the crashes feel brutal, also the sense of speed is great as well. But it falls apart when there's like what feels like 1000 cars and to fully upgrade all of them and unlock everything I think it would take an estimated time of the heat death of the universe. So as much as I loved the racing the inevitable grind was too much but yeah it's really fun

It's so fucking funny watching the roll out of this game and I'm not talking about the game, just the idiots making 8 hour long videos daily about how "OMG GUYS DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN ENDLESSLY PUMP MONEY INTO THIS GAME AND GET NOTHING IN RETURN, GUYS THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD STEP IN BECUASE CLEARLY THEY ARE USING TACTICS THAT CASINOS USE" literally the most over dramatic shit I've ever seen. You know what a predatory practice is, a game costing $60+ and then running ads every 5 seconds saying that you need to buy the game right now to get all the content. You know what is way more consumer friendly, giving the game away for free and letting everyone play through the whole campaign and endgame and multiplayer and LETTING THEM ACCESS EVERYTHING FOR FREE at the expense of the option to pay money for cosmetics and upgrades that are unlockable through gameplay. You know why? Because I played the whole campaign, and said this was fun, not really interested in the endgame and I deleted it, literally a billion times more ethical than if it was a full priced product and I played though the whole game and was like "oh that was completely not worth the money". Yeah it was fine and thats about it but it was a pretty well made ARPG with fun dungeons and bosses with a lot of cool ideas that I would recommend to someone looking to play an ARPG on the go. And you know why I would recommend it to anyone, BECAUSE IT'S FREE AND THEY CAN PLAY ALL THE CONTENT IN IT FOR FREE, also another huge plus, the whales who have spent millions on the extra shit, allows the devs to make more content and give it endless support, so if you do like the game there's more of it to play, and if I for some reason want to play it, then when I come back I'm sure there will be more to do, but that day probably won't come because it just didn't sink its teeth into me

When this came out I played maybe 1 game and promptly deleted. My reasoning? Apex was always my least favorite BR, something about the shooting and movement and abilities, none of it worked for me and it was a bummer because of how much I loved Titanfall. But because I'm always looking for the next big mobile game, (BECAUSE I HAVE A FUCKING JOB AND A PHONE IS REALLY ALL I HAVE ACCESS TOO 8 HOURS A DAY YOU FUCKING NEETS) I gave it another shot. And yeah it's fucking incredible. Easily the most polished and fleshed out BR on mobile. It just played so well, the fact that I could be running and sliding and the controls felt good on a touch screen was incredible. I ended up getting to the highest rank below top 750 in the world and I played fucking religiously like 3-6 hours a day of griding BR. For a full season it was the only mobile game I gave a shit about. I spent like probably over $100 on gatcha boxes trying to get a Power Rangers skin but then the season ended, and I looked around and saw how content barren it was and dropped it. Maybe I played too much, but it just dropped off so hard. I waited to delete it from my phone until I posted this hoping that I would come back but I really have no drive for that. But this game did something amazing and that was made me redownload Apex because of how much I loved the characters and gun play of a mobile game. I still uninstalled Apex after 2 games but that's just because I have a crippling fortnite addiction that I don't think anything will kill. But none the less this is an incredible game, hopefully the community grows and has the content and popularity of a PUBG or a Cod Mobile, but until then this will be shelved.

What a weird game, I don't mean this in the sense that it's bad but the fact that we are getting a sequel to an endless runner that is almost 10 years old really shocked me. The first game is a mobile classic. Before endless runners were a thing the first game felt revolutionary. It completely captured what a mobile game should be. Pick up and play and get addicted. But the high score nature of the original left alot to be desired, I never had urge to see how far I could go, I liked unlocking the cool outfits and jetpacks and that was it. So a sequel didn't make sense to me because the original is still being updated to this day. So the thing that really blew me away was what they did to the sequel that make it it's own thing. First they gave it a story mode with levels. This is foreign to endless runners because this runner very much has an end. Every level has a goal distance, if you get to that distance you either fight a boss or have a little bonus objective and then you stop. And with the next level you start right back at 0. While this seems counter intuitive to the point of this style of game it really works because between levels you are upgrading your guy for the next run. The other big change was doing something I can't believe wasn't in before, making it a side scrolling shoot 'em up. Every few meters enemies will spawn and you will have to fight them. Between this and the bosses they added a big extra dimension to this style of game. For about 10 days I was hooked... and then I beat the game, literally 100%'ed all the content, no grand ending just place holder graphics for "coming soon". Since hitting the end I really cooled off. There is no reason to keep going after that because that's the end of the game, nothing left to do, so I think I'm done. With the amount I have to play I doubt that I'll care enough to check this back out when theres more stuff added. The apple arcade model is so weird because releasing "full games" with no MTX is so nice but like this feels like there was a payment model in place and I wasn't supposed to hit the end this fast, and I'm just seeing behind the curtain of a team probably frantically trying to push out more content but like what's here is awesome but maybe it could've waited until there is more.

Around a year ago I posted (in sincerity) a thread on /vg/ in which I asked if there were any "Masterpieces" on the Sega Genesis. This was after a long period of playing the cream of the crop on the Super Nintendo and growing up with a Genesis it seemed like nothing compared. But one game was brought up more than anything else, and I was told there is nothing like it on the SNES. See growing up I heard the praises of this game and got it on the Wii Virtual Console and it just never clicked with me. I didn't understand a fast paced shooter where the enemies respawned endlessly but you can also not shoot anything realistically and just move to the right. So I'm really not sure what spurred me on to playing this but now that I'm much older, I can't believe that I bounced off of, what I think is the best action game of the 16 bit era. Holy shit, every single one of the 4 main worlds, and the 99 different endings is so wonderfully crafted. I couldn't believe how much I loved just blowing up everything on every single screen. The control you have over your character and the things that you can do just really don't feel possible. I felt like I was just mashing buttons at points but when I slowed down I realized I was just completely one with the character. And the myriad of dive kicks, and shooting, into a throw parry, into a slide. I was doing all of it and I knew what I was doing and it just looked incredible. I really couldn't believe how tight the whole experience is. There is no fat here every single screen is crucial but also incredibly challenging and so fucking addictive. All the bosses had their own little charm to them and the was the end game plays out I physically couldn't put the controller down. I'm probably underselling it but that genesis sound chip blaring a symphony of gun shots and driving music just kept my senses high and got me through to the end. I can't believe how much I loved every second of this game and I really can't wait to play it all though again

Fuck you Ninja Gaiden. Growing up I was a retro gaming enthusiast and downloading this game on the Wii shop channel was a huge part of the reason why. I fucking loved everything about this game. The rocking music, the fast paced combat, how fluid and in control you feel, the brutal difficulty, but also how the game teaches you both patience but also to take your show when you have it. The level design for the first 5 worlds is perfect. Everyone thinks that there are enemies in places just to fuck you up but the first 5 worlds are so expertly crafted where the game teaches you how to handle every encounter and following patterns. Enemies only respawn if you did the wrong move, if you are playing the game right you won't fall into these pit traps. I also love the boss design and fights in this game. BUT The last world throws that whole design philosophy out the window and says fuck you there is no rhyme or reason to this enemy placement and have fun lol. Really disappointing for how perfect I really feel the rest of this game is.

Okay so I wrote an incredibly overlong review the last time I got super heavy into a fortnite season and sang its praises as a Masterpiece and leaned heavily on one thing, how much the building added to the Battle Royale genre. Here's the thing, I stopped playing video games for a good bit (almost a year) and the thing that brought me back was hearing building was removed from Fortnite. With how much I felt it added, I really thought this would take all the magic away, I was dead wrong. The improvements they made to movement has made no build the only way I will play fortnite going forward. This breathed new life into this game and put so much more emphasis on the fast paced gun heavy game play that was missing from build heavy matches. Never before have I had to be so aware of being in open, or who could attack me and now more than ever someone can run or slide up on you in a second and you always need to be ready. Removing the farming of materials and building has made getting immediately into fights more exciting and the gunplay feels better than ever as well. This seas relied alot on a huge weapon variety as the season went on and I really enjoyed that. As well as the new quest structure which felt more rewarding and less grindy than previous seasons. And as always the continual barrage of pop culture into this game, and this is coming from someone who hates, marvel, dc and star wars; will always get me. Something about stripping all context away from the IPs and just having a smorgasbord of every possible character in a match never gets old. Also the 5 stars is literally just for them adding the Wu Tang emote to fortnite.