I have loved Devil May Cry since the first game launched. This is the best of the whole series. It’s a shame they didn’t keep letting this team make them.

Second best Final Fantasy. My only complaint is that Blitzball is so good and addictive, I usually get wide tracked for 100 hours or so playing it.

This game is so cool. The story was really neat. I highly recommend people at least find a solid 15-20 minute recap. I understand not having time for a game this big.

The greatest “real” boxing game (Punch-Out!! Is a rhythm/memory game). Get to make a character (and can even have fun colors for skin!) and fight a bunch of fake boxers then all sorts of legends!

I did not like tactics games, but this game sunk its claws into me. Love the aesthetic.

This game is so good. I love coming back to it. I hope they remake/significantly remaster it for modern consoles.

You can take enemy parts off their active bodies and attach them to yourself! Amazing

I wish I knew how many hours I have in this game. Guessing 5000.

I love Cap and this really gets him right.

I wanna fill your dark soul with light! Also, wish there was a mission select.

It’s ok. The bigger areas feel empty. I remember finishing this game and being sooooooo freaking hyped for DMC3. Like, “Yeah, Dante! Let’s ride right into hell and take the fight to them.” Sadly, only disappointment would follow.

What a disappointment of a game. So much of this game is just bad and poorly designed. Woof. I replayed this in 2022 just in case and yikes it’s worse than I remembered.

Nero’s hand is ok, but as a character he’s lacking. Dante returner was cool, but it made the game feel disoriented. It’s fine.

Finally, another good Devil May Cry game. It was pretty solid, but got grindy and repetitive towards the end. First game in a long time that made my thumb hurt.