This is the first video game I had ever played, both in arcades and on home console, so of course it's a little difficult to look at it through anything but rose-tinted glasses for me.
For its time, Tekken 2 was a very solid and competent 3d fighter but compare it to anything released even just a couple years later and it gets blown out of the water. Still though despite its jank and stiffness it's still good fun and just oozes style in a way that no other 3d fighter - even the other Tekken games can compare to.

The drop pod sequence at the beginning is probably my favorite moment in any game


The game that's most responsible for the recent boomer shooter revival, Dusk is a solid retro shooter inspired by the likes of Quake, Blood, and many other 90s fps classics. Unlike the hoards of other games that followed in its wake though, Dusk is one that does more than just take inspiration from the past, it stands on its own as an great fps.

Probably the most enjoyable of the Marathon trilogy from a pure gameplay perspective. Unfortunately it doesn't have the atmosphere of its predecessor or the amazing writing of its sequel but it's still pretty solid. The Xbox 360 exclusive survival mode is pretty fun and a nice little bonus as well.

A bit clunky compared to the likes of Doom, but makes up for it with some incredible innovations and firsts for the genre and an atmosphere and story that stand heads above anything else first person shooters were doing in the early-mid 90s


The best Ghost in the Shell game we're ever gonna get.

What an ambitious and pretty game. I'm not a huge fan of rail shooters so the actual gameplay has never done much for me, but everything else is top notch.

Panzer Dragoon, despite not being a game I consider amazing, is one I have immense respect for.

The best C&C game imo. The INCREDIBLE atmosphere, kick-ass soundtrack, sick unit design, and absolutely phenomenal fmv cutscenes cement it as an all time classic and must play title for any fan of RTS games.

The best thing Yoko Taro has ever made

The most technically impressive game in the PlayStation's library with a plot and character writing that is some of the best of any game.

Vagrant Story is a criminally underrated classic and I implore everyone to at least give it a shot.

Like the mind of an edgy 14 year old boy on Deviantart mixed with some extremely relevant political messaging

The only Fire Emblem game with good writing

John Halo shoots aliens and doesn't afraid of anything

I played this shit in middle school and it changed me for the worse for sure