Like the most middle of the road game ever. Got interesting with people hacking you in the game but that's it

Not bad for free but overall a nothing too special.

A lot of padding at certain points and some weird bugs don't stop this game from being a fun horror romp with a cool way of fighting and a lot of fun characters.

Excited for the sequel.

Dumb as hell but solid Resident Evil fun.

Fun but doesn't help that Colt isn't that interesting and the ending felt deflated.

I haven't been this consumed by making a card deck since Pokemon.

I don't know what to give it because yeah, it's not a great game right now but i have so much love for this game can't review in honesty.

Like a dopamine rush. Stylish as hell and just fun to try as many cool tricks as possible.


The story isn't that interesting and the ending is whatever but besides that, this is a very fun, cute game with vibes to spare and the cat is the cutest protagonist ever that I hope gives us more dog and cat protags.

It's a mess but a fun mess. I don't know if I'll play again but "Theme Song by Frank Sinatra" will be seared into my brain forever.

A solid strategy game that't hindered by a boring first half and mostly wooden characters but brought together by a pretty great second half and addictive combat. It also helps that the pacing gets way better in the second half.

Nothing great, nothing special. The combat and most of the characters are the only consistently good thing about it and even then characters are consistently likable, not that interesting. It feels like what a prototypical Ys game is (even though I've only played 8 and Origin). The story is as inconsistent as the pacing and I found the boss fights to be cool-looking but never really exciting (with the most deaths being 9 and even then, I was playing a character that I hadn't been playing much as others).

The towns are cool and I like the setting a lot but it can get boring to look at sometimes. There are a few good sidequests like the weapon tests and the armor knight fight but those were few and far between the other boring ones.

While not as compelling story-wise as Ys 8 or is as technically challenging as Origin, it's still a fine game and I did have some enjoyment when I got into the zone. I will say it does make me excited for nine though.