A pretty Refreshing Retelling of the classic first 3D wolfenstein game

this was the first game off of the wolfenstein reboot.
it didnt fail to amaze with the story and with the scenery. the shooting feels a bit floaty but if you can look away from that its definitely a must play.

As good as this game has gotten gameplay wise compared to the others before it sadly lacks alot of what the previous games made good. the movement is more sluggish, the AI feels stupid as hell when ur playing stealth but somehow can crack crack 180s and shoot ur ass from 70m away. the story to me atleast was the best part of the game even though it felt sort of short. i only played through the main story as i was not interested in any side content in this. the DLCs of this game are somewhat pallet cleansers so if your getting easily bored of the scenery just pop up to the machine in the main hub and play some of the scenarios for some refreshment.

i personally like the idea of a wolfenstein thats coop and also think the story approach they went for isnt all that horrible either. however they completely fumbled with the bullet sponge enemies. stealth feels like a punishment rather than an option. i can sort of glance over the live service things as you can get everything by playing but god damn is it shit to see that i can fully upgrade my weapon for 5€. also which i dont get is how utterly repetitive the areas in the games are. you get: rich town, poor town, poorer town, docks, prison town and of course paris. the underground areas are all the same fucking thing aswell. please if you think about playing it play it with your friend and turn off your brain.

dying light 2 impresses with its expansive open world, somewhat engaging narrative, and fluid parkour mechanics, offering an enthralling experience for fans of the zombie survival genre. The meaningful choices and consequences system adds depth and replayability, ensuring each playthrough feels unique. However, technical glitches, overwhelming side activities, and unbalanced difficulty spikes slightly tarnish the otherwise exceptional experience. Despite its imperfections, Dying Light 2 remains a must-play for those seeking a thrilling and immersive post-apocalyptic adventure especially after the new Updates.

Neon White is a unique and visually stunning game that successfully blends FPS action with deck-building mechanics. Its innovative gameplay, quirky but funny narrative, and striking art style make it a memorable experience for players seeking something fresh and thought provoking. Despite a few shortcomings, such as the learning curve and limited enemy variety, Neon White's positive aspects outweigh the negatives, making it a must play for fans of indie games and players looking for an engaging and artistic gaming journey.

Wild Hearts falls short in terms of gameplay mechanics. The controls are unresponsive and clunky, leaving players frustrated as they attempt to guide the protagonist through the various levels. The lack of fluidity and precision made even simple tasks feel like a daunting chore, leading to constant instances of missed opportunities and failed attempts.
Another glaring issue with the game lies in its shallow and repetitive gameplay loop. While the visuals may be charming at first glance, they quickly lose their allure as you realize that the game relies heavily on the same recycled assets and environments throughout the entire playthrough. This monotony not only dampens the excitement of exploration but also dampens any hope for meaningful progression.
the narrative, which was touted as one of the game's strengths, turned out to be nothing more than a convoluted mess. The fragmented and nonsensical storytelling left me scratching my head, trying to piece together a coherent plot that simply never materializes. It was evident that the developers were trying to be artistic and thought provoking, but in reality, it ended up feeling pretentious and devoid of any emotional impact.
the technical issues within Wild Hearts cannot be ignored. From constant frame rate drops to inexplicable glitches, the game's performance is far from smooth and polished. These technical hiccups further detract from the already underwhelming experience, making it difficult to fully immerse oneself in the world the developers were attempting to create.

In conclusion, Wild Hearts is a prime example of a game that fails to live up to its anticipation. Its lackluster gameplay mechanics, repetitive design, convoluted storytelling, and technical issues combine to create an overall underwhelming and frustrating experience. For those seeking a truly captivating and rewarding gaming adventure with huge monsters, Just play the Monster Hunter games instead.

DEATHLOOP, while ambitious in its attempt to deliver a fresh and innovative gaming experience, ultimately falls short of its potential. The unique time-loop mechanic and captivating aesthetics offer some redeeming qualities, but the repetitive gameplay, lackluster character development, technical issues, unbalanced difficulty, and intrusive multiplayer integration make it an overall mediocre game. While it may appeal to fans of the first-person shooter genre seeking something different, those looking for a more polished and consistently enjoyable experience might find DEATHLOOP underwhelming.

Dishonored stands as an unequivocal must-play game, offering a masterful blend of stealth, choice, and supernatural elements. The engaging gameplay, player agency, richly developed world, intriguing abilities, and immersive storytelling all contribute to its status as a gaming masterpiece. With its thrilling stealth action, dynamic powers, and morally consequential decisions, Dishonored delivers a memorable and rewarding experience that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on players. Whether you are a fan of stealth games or simply enjoy engaging narratives with impactful choices, Dishonored is an absolute gem that deserves a spot in every gamer's collection.

Dishonored 2 is undoubtedly an impressive game that showcases the strengths of the series. excellent world-building, immersive gameplay, and compelling storytelling. However, it fails to surpass the excellence set by its predecessor, mainly due to lack of significant innovations and less captivating antagonists. While it remains an enjoyable experience, fans of the original may find themselves longing for the unique magic that only the first Dishonored could deliver.

Death of the Outsider is a commendable expansion that delivers an enjoyable stealth-action experience with a well-crafted narrative. However, its decision to be a standalone title rather than a DLC raises questions about its value as a separate purchase. The game offers fresh abilities, a captivating storyline, and some memorable moments, but its brevity, lack of substantial innovation, and missed opportunities in utilizing the setting leave players wanting more. For die-hard Dishonored fans, Death of the Outsider will likely scratch the itch for more stealthy adventures, but for others, it might have been better served as a DLC to enrich the main Dishonored experience.

Dragon Age: Origins stands as an exemplary RPG that showcases the power of choice-driven storytelling, intricate character relationships, and tactical combat. Despite dated graphics and a slightly slow start, the game's immersive world, gripping narrative, and memorable companions make it a must-play for anyone who enjoys deep, engaging role-playing experiences. If you're a fan of fantasy, rich lore, and impactful decision-making, Dragon Age: Origins is a true gem that demands a place in your gaming library.

Not much to say about Disfigure. a simple Roguelite Vampire hunter esque game with no real story. fun to play through whenever ur bored.

I can't believe how much of a letdown Overwatch 2 has turned out to be. Blizzard had the chance to build upon the success of the original Overwatch and create something truly amazing, but instead, they've managed to deliver a half-baked, uninspired mess that tarnishes the reputation of the franchise.

the game excels in creating a deeply unsettling atmosphere. The grim and eerie visuals, combined with a haunting soundtrack, effectively immerse players in a nightmarish world. The game's lore and storytelling are rich and mysterious, leaving you constantly intrigued and eager to uncover its secrets. The character development, though unconventional, adds depth to the narrative.

However, there are notable downsides to consider. Fear & Hunger's difficulty level is often brutally punishing, leading to frequent frustration and trial-and-error gameplay. The lack of clear guidance can make progression challenging, and the game's unconventional mechanics may not be to everyone's taste. Additionally, the game's mature themes and graphic content may not be suitable for all players.

In summary, Fear & Hunger is a game that excels in creating a horrifying and immersive experience but may deter some players due to its punishing difficulty and mature content. If you're a fan of dark and challenging games and can tolerate its quirks, it offers a unique and unforgettable gaming experience.