Nothing special. The game just putting you through battle after battle without any rhyme or reason makes it pretty boring on paper but some of the challenges that go with each colosseum can be a fine enough change of pace.

Insanely good story and visuals and one of the best soundtracks to any game I've ever played. The gameplay loop being "boring" is the closest thing to a fault I can give it, but the resource management aspect of it makes it not so bad. One of the best video games I've ever played.

Decently fun button masher. I think preventing your Pokemon from becoming stronger was a good move since it forces you to adjust to having different moves to play around with.

Just an outright worse version of Rumble Blast. I don't see the point to mobile-ifying this series...

Drained my phone's battery like crazy when I played it. I wasn't a huge fan of this game when it came out but there's something to be said about how this was one of the biggest cultural phenomena gaming has seen in a long time. I can't be too harsh on it.

Decently fun game but most of your time with it will be spent in the postgame. The main game is fairly short but the postgame is absurdly long. If you don't mind that then the game will be amazing for you, but I never felt too engaged with it for that reason.

Rips away basically everything good about its predecessor. The story feels like it was written exclusively for five-year-olds in a way that isn't at all charming and instead feels like it's talking down to you. The resource management aspect feels largely removed as well. I see no reason to like this game.

Decently fun game if it weren't for the fact that it's a pay-to-win gacha. No.

Was very obviously made for mobile. Game can be fun until you sit with it for more than half an hour. Artstyle is really charming though.

The visuals do not hold up at all, it's very unbalanced and everyone hates tripping, but otherwise it's Smash. Smash will always be an insanely good party game and Subspace Emissary was a great addition.

I think this game is better than the Wii U version because it has Smash Run even if the lack of controller options does kind of sting. Not nearly as much content as Brawl despite having a better roster and looking gorgeous on both consoles.

If this game had Subspace Emissary it would be five star, but the fact that most people would argue this as the best Smash game despite World of Light being a noticeable downgrade should speak volumes to how good everything else is.

Splatoon is amazing. I don't play other shooters so it's hard to say much about it but the mechanics and game feel are both fantastic. The weapons are mostly really good as well both to use and play against. I'm not huge on most of the music and the map design is not great but the rest of the game is good enough for both of those to be easy to ignore.

Was horribly lacking content on launch. I bought this for full price one afternoon and finished it before I had to grab dinner that same day. The final boss is genuinely my favorite of any game I've ever played and there was free DLC added later to try and fix the content issue but my experience with the game wasn't good enough for me to want to go back to it.