Incredibly fun gameplay brought down thanks to infuriating enemy and level design. Could've been so much greater if the team had more time.

Great game to sit down and relax with, especially if you're a big fan of cats. The game is a little buggy at times as I've clipped out of the map a few times and other instances, but nothing that hinders the actual game. Overall, it was good.

Shorter than the base game (which is to be expected with the DLC model), but makes up for what it lacks in length with a higher quality and more enjoyable experience.

The best walking simulator I could ever ask for.

Alan Wake 1.5

Jokes aside, it's a very fun. Little confusing navigating at times but gameplay was incredibly solid.

Short and sweet little indie game for only $15. Very solid and a fun time but also didn't subvert my expectations either. Soundtrack had some great tracks and the overall controls were a blast to use. Highly recommend if you're looking for a quick and fun game you can beat in roughly 3-4 hours.

I’d like to imagine the developers of this game saw Devil May Cry 2, said β€œLet’s try that one more time,” and created one of the best game in its genre as a result.

I'm #Freaky πŸ‘€ for Jumbo Josh

It gets one star for that.

What a nice short little metroidvania. And for only $2 on sale? Wow! Value!


This game is fun overall, but out of the 30-ish levels present, it has some of the most frustrating and annoying levels I've ever played in a 2D platformer that makes it almost impossible to recommend the game to anyone, outside of just recommending to play the first world only.

I love the concept of this game. The idea of having a compilation of fake mobile game ads as actual games sounds like a dumb and fun idea. However, whether intentional or not, the actual quality follows the same quality of said ads.

Looking at the games separately, Pin Pull and Color Lab are both fine in quality, just a bit too easy at times and that's about it. Cash Run is so picky when it comes to ranks and the controls aren't precise enough to work with them. Sometimes it comes down to 1 or 2 A-button presses or even just actual luck in some levels. Parking Lot is solid overall, but the thugs in later levels are just annoying instead of being any hint of a challenge, and the cars aren't on a grid which makes moving them frustrating when they collide at times despite looking like they shouldn't. Lastly, Number Tower is probably the game that'll make you think the most (or guess the most depending on how you approach it). It's fine but takes way too long for some levels, even when mashing.

Overall, the whole game compilation is fine and you get what you pay for, but this game could be much better with just some simple quality-of-life improvements or general polish. If the developers were intending it to have this same level of quality shown in the ads though, then they hit it perfectly.