I sure do love people wanting to fuck flash characters and clickbait art. Also another game that is just bland get oversaturated.

I only wish i had played this game sooner. This is some of the best fps i've ever played, besides doom of course.

Spectacular game, with a masterpiece of a soundtrack

I got bored in the first 5 minutes

More like tripping and meta knight the game

Gotta say this is defiantly one of the most unique platformers out their. Also this is the scariest game I'll ever play because of my phobia of heights

Amazing game if you don't try to 100% it.

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I honestly love this game. When i first heard of this game was through gamepass and i saw the box art and I thought to myself that this seems peculiar. Basically after i've played it changed a lot about me compared to when i first played it. (Let me get the flaws out of the way) The platforming can be very mixed since it can be average to just bad. I love me some good platforming, but some of the areas like that one puzzle in the cards section annoyed me and was unfun. Epically since it has a problem of invisible areas where I think I can explore them. Another issue i had was the lack of boss fights. In the end of the first world the game tricks you into thinking there is gonna be a boss fight only to realize that there isn't which felt insulting to the viewer. Now lets talk positives. The art direction is one of my or perhaps my favorite art direction in any game. I love the horror/tim burton feel this game has. The whole game feels like a demented nightmare. What I also love about this game is it subverts your expiations because you don't know what will happen next. The first world creates this charming little area then becomes this steampunk factory where u meet the hater. Creating that dilemma to a beautiful landscape to slave infectious workshop is really well made. Second world creates this ice land then turning into a ocean filled landscape underneath. The third was probably my least favorite as while the scenery was beautiful and especially the sections where u go into the paintings; the area felt repetitive at times. The 4th is where it starts to get unconfutable. The landscape is ruin and shambles of a kingdom that had existed and has now turned into a gravesite and going inside the queen which is a mesh of disgusting body parts. The 5th made me want to quit. This world is where shit starts to be downright unnerving. The world is a mess of broken toys and the decorations have this crippling depiction of innocence when in actuality its a cruel plot. The story of the game is also really well made; I do wish it was better paced. The villain Dr.Bumby was pretty obvious I feel like. The themes and symbolism are pretty well represented in the game and I love how the game doesn't straight up tell you the very dark elements of the story like rape, prostitution. The gameplay itself is good. As mentioned before the platforming is very mixed, but the combat and puzzles are pretty well made. I do wish there were also more weapons types like in the first game. Overall this game is a must-play for anyone who like creppy atmosphere and is underrated as hell.

I think Overwatch is a really fun immersive fps game. I know people are mixed at the current state,but for me the game feels pretty balanced for the most part. I really like the diversity of characters as well on how they feel. For example I love the way tracer,rein and lucio feel. They are perfect examples of a early player getting to play the game for the first time. I also really like the map designs of the game. The game modes are pretty good with the exception of 2cp,but you know why. Also arcade and custom is pretty good; custom is not nearly as good as in something in tf2. My gripes of the game come from stupid decisions such as cc which can ruin a lot of fights. On top of that is also the fact you can steamrolled a lot which makes the game very unfun. I should also mention baptiste immortality and sometimes ults being annoying insta kills without any telegraphing most of the time. Overall I think the game is very fun in my point of view. I hope the game continues to approve with the upcoming overwatch 2

This game is honestly just plain bad. The game concept is very nishce,but i've seen better version of this done online. The fact there is only one gamemode is annoying and makes the game boring. You do the same missalnious tasks. Online lobbies are terrible and the fact you can have good evidence they be voted off just sucks. Being a ghost is not fun and you're most likely to leave. The fact that the game got popular is sad since there are more games that should popular. The only redeeming quality is playing with friends can be fun sometimes,but sometimes.