It’s a bad game, but at the same time, it’s funny. The voice lines crack me up and I kind of like the soundtrack. Also, the maps aren’t the worst in my opinion. It’s just a pretty easy game with not a lot to do, basically Mario Cart on a $2 dollar budget. At least the controls are responsive, unlike Masters of Teras Kasi, or whatever that game is called.

Solid game. While the story’s uninteresting and it just gets boring after a while, the gameplay is a big save. This plays like a definitive Harry Potter game. The combat is excellent and you can effectively switch between spells. There’s a lot to keep you busy and Hogwarts looks amazing. Beautiful graphics too. I wish this game had a morality system because it feels like it doesn’t matter whether you’re kind or cruel towards others. My Tom Riddle playthrough felt undermining because of that. Your actions should have more consequences. I also wish you didn’t have a limited inventory. And I hope Quidditch appears in the sequel. Overall, it’s a game with fantastic gameplay, but mediocre storytelling. Definitely room for improvement.

Overall, fun Bond video game based on one of the best movies in the series.

It’s so cool to see Connery reprise the role in the game and better still, he actually seemed to be putting energy into it unlike his performances in You Only Love Twice and Diamonds Are Forever. If you watch the behind the scenes footage, he seemed very excited about the project, not only to be playing Bond again, but in a video game that his grandchildren will play. As old as he sounds in a younger Bond, I think that was still the best course of action. Even the other voice actors sound like the actors from the original film.

The gameplay is very fun and the 60’s feel is captured very well. We even have the jet pack from Thunderball and the Aston Martin DB5 from Goldfinger, which aren’t in the actual film. The levels are well-designed despite some confusing turns and they move at a good pace. For a 2005 game, the characters do look like the actors from the film and have good detail. I do wish the special ammo and normal ammo could be used automatically since it gets annoying switching between the two. But the navigation and the menu needed some work.

The story is very much the same as the film’s, but it still works in the video game format. Bond is after the Lektor while the forces of OCTOPUS intend to stop him. It is a shame they couldn’t use the SPECTRE name due to that stupid lawsuit, which makes the experience feel less immersive. There are some extra sequences such as the opening and the fight with Red Grant inside a mechanized suit, but they don’t take away from the experience, however I would’ve preferred to fight Grant in the train, like in the film, since it’s such an iconic moment. I wouldn’t mind if it’s just button mashing.

A well-adapted video game adaptation of the film. Any Bond fan out that likes video games should enjoy this experience. While it’s a bit clunky in areas, it stands on its own and it’s a fun experience.

Bought this on Steam earlier today and the game is so underrated. Even Pattinson’s Batman film is inspired by this. Yes, Origins is basically a modded Arkham City, but don’t let that fool you, it’s a fantastic game.

It sets up the other games so well, tells a fantastic story about Batman in his younger years finding his footing, introduces some cool tech (Such as the electric gloves), and easily has the best boss fights of all the games. I love the Bane fight at the end, it was so intense, and that Deathstroke battle was much better than what he got in Arkham Knight. Joker turning out to be Black Mask is pretty disappointing, but Joker was going to show up sooner or later in the game. Roger Craig Smith was great as Batman and would probably be a worthy successor to Kevin Connery. I also liked Troy Baker as Joker.

Overall, the game gets hated on more than it should. Deserves a remaster sometime in the future.

Been playing a lot of San Andreas ever since the Definitive Edition came out for mobile, along with the original release on PC. It’s still not only my favorite GTA, but my favorite game in general. It just has everything you need in a video game.

The story is nothing short of fantastic. It’s great seeing CJ moving out of the gang life, accepting more responsibility for his past mistakes and live the life of a business tycoon. CJ is such a great protagonist because he’s genuinely really likable from start to finish and you really feel like he’s your character, like Revan in KOTOR. I love the twist with Big Smoke because he was always the one who supported CJ. He was always nice to him, where Sweet bashed him and Ryder made fun of him and his driving. So to see him turn on Grove Street with Ryder left me in shock when I first played the game. It’s always hard confronting him because we realize more and more that he betrayed us for himself, for the money and power. And I love how you can see early signs of his betrayal early in the game when you replay it, such as when he extended the Clucken Bell meal to buy time for the Ballas to get to Grove Street and how he was eating the food while CJ, Ryder, and Sweet shot at them. There’s so many memorable moments in the story and it’s just so fun to go back and play through them again.

It’s also great how the game switches gears without losing my interest. We change scenery as the game goes on and I still have the same drive to play the game. From Los Santos, to the countryside, to San Fiero, to Las Venturas, and back to Los Santos. They all have different vibes and it keeps things fresh. San Andreas’ map is big and it’s fantastic. I love hanging out around the desert and Venturas because I love the Las Vegas vibes it has and the missions there from the story sometimes give me vibes from the movie Casino. It’s great seeing Salvatore Leone again and basically cause him to be so paranoid after robbing his casino, especially towards the loyal Toni Cipriani in Liberty City Stories. It’s legendary how CJ just brushes it all under the rug because he knows Salvatore can’t do anything now since he has bigger fish to fry up in Liberty City, so he basically walks away Scott-free after robbing the mob. It’s nice seeing some familiar faces from Vice City, but it’s kinda sad that Ken’s cocaine addiction eventually got the better of him and Tommy had sent him to rehab and cut all ties with him.

The voice acting is great too, lots of talent. Considering the fact Young Maylay isn’t even an actor, he did a great job with CJ’s voice. Ice Cube is a great addition as Sweet. Clifton Powell was fantastic as Big Smoke and MC Eiht is awesome as Ryder. Clifton Collin’s Jr. is awesome as Cesar too. But it’s got to be Samuel L. Jackson who stole the show as Tennpenny. He’s just having so much fun as the character and it’s easily one of my favorite roles of his. James Woods is also in this and he’s funny as Mike Tereno. Peter Fonda is great as The Truth as well.

The gameplay is really fun. The driving handles really well and shooting guns is simply satisfying. The jetpack is always so cool to fly around in and it’s one of the best references to James Bond that this series has made. There’s so many memorable missions and most of them are fun to play. We have missions like Supply Lines to get through though, but at least you only have to do them once, if your game doesn’t crash before you save it. And depending on the game addition, you might have more fuel in the RC plane. Again, a lot of my favorite missions were from Las Venturas, but the first bunch of Los Santos missions are just so iconic. I also enjoy the new mechanics in the game, such as feeding CJ, building his muscles, and dating 6 girlfriends. Besides, Fat CJ’s dialogue is hilarious (“Can I get a pizza over here?” “I’m gonna spend this on a good meal.” “Oh, damn, I lost my waffle money.”). There’s even secret phone calls from Big Smoke and Sweet telling you to exercise when you fail a mission. The amount of time, secrets, and content put into the game is simply astounding.

I also love the music in this game. This GTA has some of the best radio stations of any game. Depending on where you are on the map, you will probably jam more to different radio stations, such as K-Rose in the countryside. There’s so many unforgettable songs and they’re all so good.

GTA San Andreas is just simply fantastic to play outside of witnessing famous memes. GTA 4 may have the better story, but lacks in the amount of replayability and content San Andreas has. Yes, while there are bad missions (cough cough Supply Lines) and Ryder’s betrayal doesn’t really make sense (Rockstar only made him do it since the actor left due to being underpayed), San Andreas has so much to love about it. It’s such a classic and no GTA can ever recreate the same experience I had with San Andreas. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to go back in time and play this again for the first time and simply be blown away…

Injustice Gods Among Us has earned a great 10 year anniversary. The game is a blast and all the characters are well designed and play uniquely. The story does an amazing job at making Superman, your best friend, become your worst enemy and it’s fun playing through. Love the fighting and the combos are great. Cool supermoves as well. Injustice is one of those games to play with your buddy and just beat each other up. It’s old school fun.

Overall, Arkham Knight is the definitive Batman experience.

The graphics look better than most modern day games, the stealth parts are amazing to play through, the gameplay is engaging, the voice actors knock it our of the park (Especially Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamil), the story is intriguing, the costumes are great, and you finally get to control the Batmobile. Loved the jump scares as well and the gals are still hit as well. The mods that this game has are so awesome (I got jumpscared by Young Bruce Wayne in the Gordon flashback and it made me laugh and when he picked up Scarecrow, it looked like he was force choking him.).

I don’t care if the Arkham Knight twist was predictable because I liked this rendition of Jason, Joker’s appearance doesn’t bother me because it really helps depict Batman’s struggle with his sanity and Mark Hamil gave quite possibly his best performance as the character here, and the Batmobile wasn’t really much of problem for me (Admittedly, maybe it should’ve been used less so things got less repetitive).

The only thing I hate about this game is the Riddler. I hate how you have to collect every single damn thing associated with him because it’s a grind and I got to the point where I gave up and installed a save file where all the trophies are collected to save my mental health. But beating the shit out of him was epic because he put me through hell and back, so I was happy to finally kick his ass.

We deserved a Deathstroke boss fight and some side stories just feel like filler, but I still think this is the closest we can get to the best Batman experience due to the immersive and addictive gameplay and a story that has emotion, stakes, and consequences. Maybe I’ll review Arkham Origins, but we’ll see.

I like The Sopranos show a lot, so I thought I’d like the game as well, but that’s not what happened. Pretty disappointing.

The story was fine (But maybe a little too over the top sometimes), the cast was awesome and it was so cool they got the cast from the show to do this, and the in-game graphics were ok too (Remind of Godfather and Scarface actually), but my, oh my, the gameplay sucks. The combat in the game is really bad and I didn’t know what I was doing most of the time. This game also gets repetitive a lot of the time because Joey is usually just talking from person to person, so I got tired of it pretty quickly and eventually just quit for the day. I know the Sopranos isn’t like Godfather or Scarface where you rule with force, but it’s just not fun to play like this. Accurate, but boring. I hate how the mouth moments don’t match the words in the in-game cutscenes as it always takes me out of the experience. I also don’t like the idea of playing as Puss’ illegitimate son, it just feels thrown in there.

Overall, I was pretty disappointed with this game. Again, I think the show is amazing, but this game was just bad.

Yes, a Vice City clone in a way, but it’s actually a lot more than that and in fact, I actually have to say this is better than Vice City. I loved the Scarface movie, so I knew I was going to love this game too.

This is a fantastic example of you take a What-If scenario and execute it. I love the idea of Tony surviving the mansion shootout and rebuilding his empire to get revenge on Sosa. It’s so awesome to come back and take down all those other guys too, like the Diaz Brothers, Nacho Contras, Gaspar Gomez, and Tony’s scumbag of a lawyer, George Sheffield. The game has amazing progression. You build relationships with people on the street, you get the money, power, and the women, and you can hear how desperate and worried Sosa is with each passing phone call. This shows how Tony learned from his mistake and now the tables turned. Tony definitely learned from his mistakes in the movie. He’s no longer a drug addict and you can hear him regret killing Manny in some dialogue. Sosa still was intimidating, so his phone calls had my worried with how hard he was going to be to fight. I was right because his thugs were no joke, but killing him was easy since I went straight for the head. I wish there was more to the story, but you really do connect with the criminal empire aspect of the game, so that makes up for it.

Scarface was the perfect theme for a criminal empire game to take on and having this be a What-If makes the experience worth it instead of just having it get undermined because Tony died in the film. I love doing distribution missions and walking into the bank to launder millions of dollars into my account like a boss. It’s so fun and it really feels like a game a chance because anything can happen. You’ll have some good days, but there are going to be bad days too and believe, I had a lot of bad days, either me getting killed from a freaking chainsaw (God, I hate those things in this game), getting ambushed from a pissed off gang, or having the car blow up with all the money and drugs in there. This game really captures how hard it is to build a criminal empire and I love it. At first, you have to get cocaine from small-time drug dealers, but by the end, you grow it. You have to get money to buy things and it’s thrilling once you get everything. You have an entire criminal empire, you got revenge on everyone, you own so much stuff, and you have sexy bodyguards once you get 100%. The only problem I have with this aspect of the game is that some businesses get attacked way too often, such as the U-Gin Shotgun Bar. That place got attacked so many times, like who would want to go there now that it’s the most dangerous bar in Miami? Same with Cabana Cigar. I mean, come on, do people really hate that place so much? I also feel the cops are way too aggressive in this game. They can get to the point where they’ll just kill you. And it’s just over a car chase most of the time.

There’s something about the gameplay that makes it so addicting. Tony’s superpower move is really badass because you are invincible and you can kill anyone in seconds without losing bullets. Tony is like the grandfather of Trevor from GTA 5. This game is really crazy. You can shoot off someone’s left nut with a SAW from a distance. I love how different each gun feels so that you can get your own style of what you want. For me, I chose a SAW because that thing obliterates. You also get to taunt your victims and feel awesome. The Pimp Your Mansion feature was an interesting idea, but your items you place down despawn and you have to rebut them and unique items can’t be rebought. If you want a house designing game, just play Sims and make the Scarface mansion there. You also can’t jump, but there’s not really a need to do it in this game, but if there is ever a remaster, it should be added in there. The textures have seen better days, but at least they have that realistic impression. Besides, there’s a mod for PC players that can update the textures. The suits you can wear are awesome. I wish we had more to chose from than what we see in the movie, but it’s fine. There’s an issue with the frame rate switching from smooth to clippy, it doesn’t take away from the experience because the game still works just as fine.

The voice actors did an excellent job at their roles. There’s no way anyone can replace Al Pacino as Tony Montana, but Andre Sogliuzzo did a great job in the role. He was handpicked by Pacino and it’s clear he made the right choice because sometimes, I think it’s Pacino saying the lines. I could say the same thing for Robert Davi as Sosa. He was really intimidating in the role and such a worthy replacement for Paul Shenar. I like that this game finds a way to get Steven Bauer in the mix without him playing Manny since he’s dead, so he plays The Sandman, another drug empire kingpin that helps you get to Sosa. Robert Loggia, who played Frank in the movie, provides some great narration for the first time you enter a business that you’re about to buy.

This game has such an excellent soundtrack too. Along with the movie OST, there is a lot more. Definitely as good as Vice City and San Andreas’ soundtrack in my opinion.

Scarface: The World Is Yours is truly an underrated gem. It’s a big chicken, just waiting to get plucked. It has nitpicks, but it’s the perfect criminal empire building game. The sequel would’ve been awesome to have since it would’ve been set in Las Vegas and it looks like it had better gameplay than The World Is Yours, but I could only dream what it could’ve been. I am still happy with what I got with this game. It definitely deserves a remaster because this game is such an amazing experience.

I’m speechless with good the game was.

I loved it. It improved on everything from Fallen Order and had much more.

The story was excellent. It showed that our actions in the previous games didn’t leave the impact we wanted. The Empire gets more powerful and stronger each day. We don’t have a lot in the start and we have to work with that as we expand throughout the story. I felt they set up a lot from which the next game can go off of.

Cal’s story is beautifully continued. He has encountered the dark side and he is scared that he will lose his way, like Dagan did. Dagan, by the way, is a tragic character and I found myself more invested with the High Republic story more than the Zeffo one from Fallen Order. Cere’s spirit tells him to face it with Kada. Third game better do it justice or I’ll be mad. Cal and Merrin also admit they love each other. I loved their relationship. I cheered when they first kissed. It felt like the devs saw how much we shipped them in Fallen Order and they certainly delivered. The third game also should do it justice. Cere still acts as a mentor to us and she has rediscovered her prime. She beat the hell out of Vader. It felt so satisfying for them to fight after Fallen Order’s ending. She struggled against him there, and now, she was close to killing him. Her death was really an emotional moment and when she talked to Cal for the final time, I felt like that was a good way to end the game. Cordova was also awesome since he seemed like a good master. I was suprised when abode betrayed us and killed him. Bode’s betrayal is really well done because he seemed like a friend to us and I trusted him, but he was just playing us all along, as he’s an Imperial spy/Order 66 survivor. So killing him was less painful.

The gameplay has certainly improved. The customization has really improved. It’s no longer just poncho’s, but jackets, shirts, pants with holsters, armor, even a Jedi tunic, and much more. I usually went with a Han Solo/Jyn Erso appearance until I got the Jedi tunic. The lightsaber stances are updated as well. Now we have dual, crossguard, and blaster. You bet I used the blaster a lot, as it’s really badass to kill with it. I got the Lone Ranger vibes from it. The new force powers were powerful and I sometimes felt like Starkiller with them, especially the aggressive ones. The combat flows more natural and smooth. The boss fights are also better. Rick the Door Technician was my favorite because I love it when the devs have a sense of humor and I killed with a charged shot from my blaster. He felt like a character that Robot Chicken would make and the fans love him. Bounty Hunting was a welcomed addition and it was awesome to see Boba again. I liked that you could shop also. The game looks beautiful and it ran well for me. Yes, I’ve heard about the performance issues on PC, but game ran well for me, so I’m guess I was a lucky one. The only problems I had were that the frame rate dropped a few times and the game crashed on me once, but it’s nothing major.

EA and Respawn listened to us and delivered more than we wanted and the game turned out amazing. They’re on to something with this game, so they better make a good third game.

Excellent sequel to an amazing game. It improves on the predecessor’s mistakes and has all it’s positives.

The cast was as great as last time. Conroy and Hamill both sold it as usual. Tara Strong is also introduced as Harley. She isn’t as good as Arleen, but still does her best. Hugo Strange’s voice actor is truly terrifying.

The story is excellent. The way it intertwines all these characters in the story is down so well. They all feel like they are there for the story instead of simple fan service. The Ra’s Al Ghul twist is done really well because I believed that both him and Strange were capable of Protocol 10. The dynamic with Batman and the Joker is fantastic. Joker being sick after the first game makes sense because I don’t believe he got away with the titan transformation without any consequences. Batman is also poisoned with the same disease, so it makes the game more intense. This raises a big question for Batman. Joker is a killing-machine and each time he’s been put away, he breaks out and kills more. In the end, Batman reveals he still would’ve saved him after all of that. This shows how loyal he is to his morals and that he’s truly incorruptible. That’s one of the main reasons I love Batman. He honors his code no matter how cruel or vile a person is. It was Joker’s fuel the died. The joke was on him. He stabbed Batman in the arm that has the cure, which caused it to drop and break. He learns that Batman would’ve still saved him even after all of his killing and he finds it funny. He dies with one last laugh. Hamill truly knocked it out of the park in that moment.

Batman finally gets some girls in a game, who are the hot Russian babe, Talia, and the sexy cat burglar, Catwoman. Great history and well-developed chemistry in both relationships. Batman even struggles to resist Talia’s touch. He clearly has feelings for her, but he can’t be with her due to his code. Her death clearly impacted him, especially in the next game. Catwoman is really fun to play as. Her takedowns are badass and stealthy. Her story is done good too because it intertwines with Batman’s seamlessly.

The gameplay clearly improved. More gadgets, improved combat, larger map, but mainly the book fights. The Mr. Freeze one is easily the best of the series since he adapts and learns from his mistakes, so you have to change tactics and work fats since he follows your footsteps. He is terrifying. I always feel scared when he comes near me. The Riddler is still as annoying as last time. His trophies are a pain in the ass to collect. You have to collect 400 of them. It’s not even worth it to stop him since he just serves as slave instead of beating him up and hearing him get arrested by the police. The references to the larger DC universe are well implemented. Rocksteady aces that department, they always do.

The music is great too. I love that haunting, old, broken down feel it has. Joker singing “Only You” is absolutely terrifying and you can be damn well assured it’s more impactful now that Conroy is gone.

I love this game. It truly did what a sequel should do: Improve mistakes of the predecessor, have an excellent story, and add in new things. That is what Arkham City did. A classic superhero game.

Ah, the Arkham games. Truly fantastic games.

Arkham Asylum is the one that started it all and while it's not the flashiest of the Arkham games, it's the most immersive and nostalgic.

The voice acting is top-notch. We got the actors from The Animated Series. Kevin Conroy was the definitive voice for Batman. He can’t be replaced. Mark Hamil is also the perfect Joker voice. It’s a shame this is Arleen Sorkin’s last time as Harley. While Tara Strong is a great Harley, she can’t replace the og.

The gameplay is fun. Again, not the shiniest Arkham game, but the most immersive and nostalgic. I will always remember the moment when we first got to see the outside in full. The music there was so grand. The gadgets still work well, even though the next game improves them. Stealth is so fun to use. You can even play as Joker in the Return to Arkham version or the original PS3 version. Unique character to use. The amount of Easter Eggs Rocksteady puts in their games are incredible. I think they’re the best video game company in that department. There’s so many references to Batman lore and it foreshadows what we get in the next game. It’s obvious the team behind it had fun making the game. They really nailed the open world. I like how it changes over time, as Joker continues to control everything. It keeps things fresh. While the combat has been improved by future games, the old style is still fun to use.

The story is epic. It moves at a good pace and it’s engaging. I like the idea of Joker taking control of Arkham Asylum and Batman has to stop him. I think it does a great job at the characters. The conversations you have with them are interesting to listen to. I like the Scarecrow stuff, especially that fake game crash. It shows that this company has a sense of humor. Also, the music perfectly suits the dark and eerie tone of the game.

But The Riddler is in the game. He is so annoying and it’s annoying to collect his riddles, but I loved when he got S.W.A.T.-ed once we solved them all. Better than making him act like a slave in Arkham City. Also, another problem I have with the game is that I think the boss fights are outdated and not that much fun, other than the Killer Croc fight because that one always scared me.

The game still is fantastic to play outside of all that. It’s a revolutionary game that paved the way for more to come from a fantastic sequel.

Jedi Survivor is coming soon, so I’d thought I’d do Jedi Fallen Order. There’s a lot this game does good with.

The gameplay is fantastic. The old Jedi Knight games with Kyle Katarn were fun to play and still are, but Respawn redid the system. The force powers are now buttons instead of a wheel. I like this way better so you don’t have to chose a power during combat. You can now also use a double-bladed lightsaber on command. You don’t have to replay the entire story now just to get the lightsaber if you want it. The lightsaber combat is great. EA learned their lesson from Battlefront 1. They act like swords instead of baseball bats, especially in the finishers, which are awesome. My combat style is usually a hit or 2 with the single blade, then I ignite the other to cut them down. I just love the vibrations of my controller. Another thing I like about the game is that you have the opportunity of choice. For instance, you can go to Daithomir anytime between when it’s unlocked until it’s the last place you need to go. You can also get the double-bladed lightsaber early. I was exploring Bogana just after I met BD-1 and I found a workshop where I built it. Good thing I did it then because BD gets his scomp link damaged. I forgot that on my second playthrough of the game.

The story is fantastic to play though. I like the idea of searching for a holocron while inquisitors chase you. The worlds you visit have personalities and I like exploring them and learning history. The characters are great and fleshed out through small conversations, such as Greez. He’s one of my favorite characters in the game because he’s funny. He has such an interesting character and I liked talking to him the most out of all the crew. Merrin is also great to talk to. The nightsisters met a sad end and it’s great talking to a survivor, who was a child when it happened. I see the romance building and I hope Survivor can deliver because many people love the two together. I also like talking to Cere because she understands what Cal is going through and it’s nice talking to another Jedi. Her past is interesting to talk about and the game keeps adding to the puzzle. Her struggle against the dark side is done beautifully, as we don’t see her use it until we saw Trillai’s flashback. Trilla is what Reva should’ve been; an inquisitor that the audience fears and connects with her trauma. I actually felt bad for her and didn’t want her to die, when I wanted Reva dead. Taron Malicos isn’t in the game as much, but he is a good side character. A Jedi that survived Order 66 and turned dark was a good idea. And now I’ll talk about Cal. He is my favorite protagonist in a Star Wars game that’s not Revan because how interesting the game made him. The Order 66 flashback was my favorite part to play through because I thought it was supposed to be more training. Even I was deceived. I also loved the cute relationship with him and BD. The acting in this game is also fantastic. If the Mantis Crew appears in live action, they better be played by the same actors, or at least Cameron Monaghan as Cal.

The music in the game was amazing. Playing the Order 66 theme during the flashback was a wise choice, and so was using “Anakin’s Dark Deeds” when you run into Darth Vader. Loved his appearance in the game, by the way. But outside of that, it gives the planets charm and makes exploration feel grand.

The problems I have with the game are that it just goes a little too much Tomb Raider for me and some of the puzzles are dumb, like that one with the ball on Bogano. And the customization is lacking. It seems the sequel has improved on that, but we shall see when it comes out. New Game+ is also disappointing. You have to get all your skills again. It’s just not really worth it for Cal’s Inquisitor outfit. It’s also worth noting that the holomap is confusing as hell and that you can’t fast travel.

Other than that, the game is a fantastic play. This is one of my favorite pieces of content that we have gotten from modern Star Wars.

I think this is the glitchiest LEGO game I have ever played, and I have played almost all of them. I don’t know if this was the original game because I played the collection version on my Xbox One, but there were a lot of glitches. When I first started it, the characters icons were missing. Then I figured it out, but they should have already had the icons up when we first started. Also, the broom that you use for one gold brick was missing until it appeared again when I had collected ever last gold brick except that one. Another glitch I found was that I was able to become Snape in free play by selecting Harry once, filter two times, and press A. I admit I used it so much just so I didn’t have to unlock him back at Hogwarts. I play the missions on free play after I finish the movie. Other than those, the only other glitches I found were characters getting stuck in levels, mainly in the bonus levels.

The game can also be confusing. I had to go on YouTube to figure out more than some puzzles. I didn’t even know you could kill books using the invisibility clock. And a fake gold brick indicator in the library drove me insane until I figured out it was a glitch. A map with the collectibles on it would have been more helpful.

Other than those two deductions, this is a really great game to play. The stories of the first four movies are adapted in a fun, family friendly way, even the darker parts, such as Voldemort murdering Lily Potter. Once you’ve seen Snape’s memories in Deathly Hallows Part 2, you look at that scene differently, more darker. Speaking of that mission, I find it funny they put glasses on Baby Harry, so we could tell who it was, if we couldn’t figure it out already.

There’s a lot of variety in the characters. They all have different spells and that are accurate to source material, like Harry knowing Expecto Patronum, where Ron and Hermione don’t. The character I found myself playing as the most was Snape because of the glitch I mentioned earlier and he knows the dark arts, which are most of the puzzles. I also like the grunts and yells they make because it gives the game charm. I have no problem with mumbling or talking in LEGO games, but there’s always charm behind the old school option. The spells are also a blast to use. The red ones are fun to use to bully characters. I should use them on The Dursleys as Harry. Avada Kedvara is not a let down. I used it on Harry as Voldemort just for fun and I was surprised it actually worked on him. I don’t know if that destroyed the horcrux inside Harry though. I also used it on innocent muggles in the bonus level just for fun. It was totally a Voldemort thing to do anyways.

The soundtrack of this game is fantastic. It really shines when exploring the castle. Just listening to it brings me back to the original scene. That’s something John Williams has always been good at, no matter the franchise.

Again, it’s glitchy and a little confusing, but game is a lot of fun to play for both LEGO and Harry Potter fans alike. TT Games should give these games the Skywalker Saga treatment one day.

One of the best fps’s. The gameplay is fun, the soundtrack is epic, the levels are well made, the story follows the movie well, and the multiplayer mode is a blast to play with a lot of characters from different Bond movies. Even the graphics have charm behind them. In my opinion, this is the definitive Bond game because it makes you feel like him. I never played this on the N64, but I’m glad I can play it on my Xbox now. Fantastic game.