And its peak your honor. Silly but peak

On a second note I need people to love on the father daughter relationship of Susato and Yujin more. He loves her so much your honor. He wants the best for her your honor. I might want to fuck Yujin your honor.

I really enjoyed this game!! The art was gorgeous and the puzzles were fun. I loved the secret side story and the soundtrack as well. That being said I went in without knowing this was made as a prequel so “cannon” ending was confusing to me. I loved Greta’s story so I was fine

Back in 2019 my friend gifted me this game for my birthday, leaving a note about how it could run on a microwave, so it could run on my shitty thick ass MacBook. I didn't believe him, but after the quick download it actually ran-one of the only games that I could play on steam at the time without a pc.

Iconoclasts is a 2D Metroidvania that takes up to 10 hours to complete, 7-8 if you're a little faster (and better) with your gameplay. The story follows a young mechanic who, (soft spoilers) after her father dies searches for answers about why, and ends up involved in an ocean of problems.

I loved this game. The themes of the story discussing how humans become obsessed with icons rather than the reality they exist in. I can't say more without spoilers but the gameplay is entertaining, the story is fun, and I loved the characters. Highly recommend!

It's a pretty game with decent combat mechanics and enjoyable collectibles for the little guys that follow you. After that however, it kind of becomes forgettable. Nothing stood out as really AMAZING storytelling and I don't remember much of it.

Honestly can’t say anything more other than I tried running this game on my Mac and it overheated. I have a pc now but I think the memory of watching it freeze (haha get it) while my computer starting getting hotter than a stove on my lap was enough.

Very few linear story games have I replayed three times full through. Even fewer games get to sit in my top five games ever. A hat in time has won that spot completely and settled itself in with a nice blanket and tea, knowing it's not leaving anytime soon.
This game is oozing love and appreciation in each corner. Each level feels like the creators we're sitting in a room, throwing the tropes and genres that they loved and then said "yup all of it!"
And the best part
Every world has the passion of somebody who loved making it dripping in every aspect. The dialogue, voice acting, music, level design, etc...
Not only that, the DLC they made for the game is so much fun!
It's hard to fully show how much I love this game, and there's only so many "It was oozing with passion" before it becomes weird and repetitive, but if you're looking for a inspired indie game with fun gameplay, funny story, and a hilarious cast of characters please pick this game up!

I preordered this game cause of how fun it looked, and was drawn into the appeal of the gameplay. Yet this game was so forgettable. I remember a tiny sliver of gameplay and literally nothing about the story. Nothing really resonated with me.

The positives was that it was a really beautiful game. The city and spells you use are very pretty, and the side quests we're very good! But as far as the story goes I could not tell you what happened.
I think if the games on sale and you like pretty games with some good gameplay go for it!

I played this game twice, both when I was in early high school, so this post is definitely made with rose tinted glasses, but I really only remember good things.
I loved the fluid parkour gaming, and felt so good when I was able to run on the roofs of this game, evading enemy bullets, and feeling so powerful in that dexterity. The game was gorgeous, with beautiful cityscapes and buildings that felt so satisfying to run past.

I will note, the worst part of the game was the combat, I felt like it made the game so much slower, as the main appeal of playing is keeping a consistent speed.

As far as what I remember about the story, it felt solid. I liked feeling like I was doing something for the people of this world, and the characters we're lovable.

overall, I think even in 2024 this game is worth playing, and was a genuinely lovely experience, containing a movement system that I don't think any other game has done good at replicating

I found this game because of a tweet, and i'm so glad I did.

I don't want to explain anything about this game, but what I will say is I love the use of timeloops to tell stories, and especially ones that do it as well as this. I enjoyed the stories, characters, and combat thoroughly.

I docked 1/2 a star since the gameplay is very repetetive, and while that's the point it can feel a little contrived in it's need to make you feel exhausted with it. Thankfully there's a point where you can avoid them completely.

I wish I could go back and experience this game for the first time again

This game is just enough. It's not super wide, or too small, the characters are memorable and lovable, but never overshadow each other. The story is based in such a simple premise that hits so hard for any creative mind-which is every mind.
It was such a fun experience to run around this world, not taking it so seriously. It's easy to lose ourselves in comparing our own works and painting to others, but we have to remember that every person that picks up the brush, or the pen, or the keyboard creates in their own way.

The best way to experience this game is going as slow or as fast as YOU want, not what some guide tells you. Take thirty seconds painting a screen or two hours on a single canvas.

Paint to your hearts content, and do it no matter how 'bad' you think you are

I'm not a big fan of space fiction to be honest. That's a broad statement I know. I'm terrified of the empty vacuum of space and everything it holds, so much so I've yet to finish the amazing game that Outer Wilds is. Star wars was a movie I watched and never really brought me in. I tried star trek and never got pulled in. These are all very drastically pieces of media but I think it's important to highlight my neutrality on this type of media to show how this game pulled me in instantly.

It was the humor in the characters, and the fact that it always felt like the game was having fun with it rather than trying to prove some point (which it still did). Maybe it's cause I played when I was in my teens but I enjoyed the stupid comedy and bits they pulled. I loved pravati as a character and her story about her struggle with relationships and asexuality. I loved Vicar Max's story about getting high and realizing everything is pointless, yet how everything has a point. I liked the main potline and the characters, and the dlc that played into tropes but broke past them. Sure, the gameplay isn't super special but I cherished the time I had with this game!

The story was so much fun, I found myself enthralled with the characters and the environments were beautiful. The gameplay was pretty basic, shoot and parkour by holding forward, but the game was still enjoyable!

It's not the best. It's toxic, unbalanced, repetitive, and soul sucking. But this game has a special place in my heart from the moment I stole 60 bucks from my moms wallet and bought the game off a friend in 7th grade ( I was a fucking shithead I apologized and was punished)
I spent so many fridays afterschool playing this. I never got past gold but I have a sombra golden gun! (I am a support main)
It's not good, but I still love it for the memories and nostalgia

Look, I know people have a problem with this game but I think simply through the art style, characters, dialogue, it's good enough to try if its on gamepass. It's solid, the gameplay loop can be a little tiring but its fun!! I really did enjoy the time I spent on this game. I don't think i'll pick it up again but it was a nice experience that I think a lot of ppl shit on

While I love this game and i'd give it 4.5 stars anyway for its amazing music, fun gameplay, cool weapons and silly little story (+dlc that is 100% worth it). I'm giving it 5 in honor of a friend (I'm sorry I couldn't do a billion like you asked)