Sifu 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 8, 2022

Platforms Played


It's fun, it's challenging and cool. But I feel a lot of the difficulty comes from the garbage sauce tutorial. Did you know you can dodge 99% of all attacks with ducking? (spacebar -> S) and the sweep attack ( S -> W -> Heavy attack) is your most powerful tool. Once I figured these out around level 3 the difficulty dropped significantly. Also, it doesn't really feel like a roguelike. If that's what it was going for, then it is the most generous and kind roguelike ever made. The shortcuts and it saving your game are two direct opposites of the genre. But it's fun and cool, so it's alright. It just feels more like an old-style game where you had lives, except the lives system is more complex and cool. The aging is my favorite part of this game but also the source of most of my frustration. The last thing before I go... the sound design is bad and garbage. Punching a dude sounds like tapping your fingers on a moist log of wood. Music was sparse and I thought that was interesting, but I actually got way better when I played Eminem. I'm serious. It's eerie I put it on, and suddenly I was in the zone. Eminem was like AndI'mstilltotallyinappropriatewithanopiateGropingitwhileI'mholdingitlikea trophyI'mhopingalittlecodeine'llgetmeOD'in'WhoaeverythingisslowIbegintofloatingIknowthatI'mgettingloadedthepenexplodedHiroshimawiththe flowsautopiaWiththedopeI'manOGI'mliketheG.O.A.T.heretogetyourgoat littlebitofsodiumit'sassaultWhenI'matthepodiumatyourthroatholycamoly and Im like ip man watah haiya dodging ducking under bam bam bam leroy smith rapid fist duck counter block sweep throw like god damn!!!!!! when the game works, it works very well.