Greatest of All Time

I've played too many games and have terrible opinions, so having the ability to shove all of the games I've ever played into a list to point to that says "This shit is peak" is something I can't pass up. Enjoy my opinions that range from ice cold to dog shit to red hot all in one webpage in no particular order, and every single one has a note that states exactly why it's on here if you need that validation. Most if not all of these games are playable without any strings attached like being always online or coming duct taped to a tumorous proprietary game distribution front, and those that do have that aren't invasive about it.

Supergiant Games has made a lot of really really good video games and almost every single one owes it's roots to Bastion. It's a beautiful story wrapped up in it's own bow of amazingly stunning art and stiff gameplay that only shows it's age if you've played their more recent games...well recently.
Bully: Scholarship Edition
Bully: Scholarship Edition
Rockstar has a lot of games out there, but Bully is the best one to my mind. There's lots of issues with crashes so get a fanpatch to make it a little bit more stable, then sit back and enjoy one of the funniest and dumbest stories they've ever made.
Custom Robo
Custom Robo
I'm not going to see Custom Robo get another game but rest assured if it happens before the heat death of the universe but after I die, I will get revived and dig myself out of my grave to get my hands on it and play it, only to likely say "This isn't as good as Battle Revolution" in some kind of depressed zombie groan.
Hatoful Boyfriend
Hatoful Boyfriend
When the cover of this is a bird staring out at you, you might have questions. But let me just say this is one of the best visual novels out there. Bar none. If you keep an open mind and stick with it through all it's endings, you can see why I find it hard to put others over it.
Metroid Prime: Trilogy
Metroid Prime: Trilogy
Is it cheating putting three fully fledged metroidvanias on this list as a collection? No, because it's my list. The Prime Trilogy (Or quadrilogy depending on if Prime 4 comes out before I die) is fucking peak. If you play all three front to back, unless you're a stickler for fun, you will find one of them sliding into your Greatest of All Time lists more likely than not. Play them through any of their ports that you need to.
The Elephant Collection
The Elephant Collection
I don't care what your affiliation was with flash games in the era from 2007-2014, if you remember the funny blue elephant then you deserve to buy this creation and let your nostalgia flourish.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2
The best remakes of the best skateboarding games ever made. It's hard to say that you can get away with stuff like this without being called a sinner, but don't worry. God gives this one a pass. He's still shredding it in School II as well.
Puzzle Platforming done at a premium micro level. If you've never played it, you should. Dirt cheap, fun, still good years after release. What's not to love?
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Jet Set Radio Future is a fantastic game that is impossible to get nowadays. Thankfully, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk fills that void with aplomb. A killer sound track, a fun combo based game, and a story that's just the right level of nonsense to have fun with.
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4
This is a lovely umbrella to cover all the Resident Evil 4s out there. Regardless of if you would rather play the recent remake or the oldest version, just play this story in some capacity, it's fantastic and laid the groundwork for some other amazing games out there.
Super Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy
Yeah you know that super hard precision platformer you've heard of? Odds are high that Super Meat Boy either inspired it or inspired the games that inspired it. Do yourself a favor.


Dude I love this game, it's so so clean even multiple years out. Arkane has been chasing this high for fucking ages and, at least in my opinion, will still be chasing it for a few more because it'll be absurdly difficult to top.


Papers, Please
Papers, Please
Dude I love games that make me a stressed ball of anxiety so much. Lucas Pope makes some of the greatest games known to fucking man that make your head itch and brain tingle with delight, but Papers Please was the one that put him on the map for the stuff that he's done and for good reason.


It's Portal. It's the game everyone fucking knows. It's the game your grandma knows. It's the game your little brother used to understand physics. It's Portal. It's peak.


Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
For being kind of panned during it's time, going back to Resident Evil 5 in current year is one of the fucking funnest things you could do. You can blitz through the entire game in a night or two if you're persistent enough, and if you have a good friend with you then you're going to spend the entire time laughing your ass off. Massive out of pocket recommendation.


Saints Row 2
Saints Row 2
Before the series jumped the shark and decided to turn the protagonists into megastars then into superheroes fighting aliens in a matrix parody simulation to sending you to hell to making you hipsters in Not-New Mexico, Saints Row 2 exists to show you that your weird but fun open world gang game can balance janky gameplay with hilarious dialogue and genuinely heartwrenching moments.


Sonic Generations
Sonic Generations
Sonic is one of those franchises that everyone should really interact with once or twice. And if you want pure distilled "Probably the best Sonic game ever" Sonic, you'll wanna pick Generations. It's the most consistently good in a sea of Meh to "How Did They Fumble This Bag?".


Thomas Was Alone
Thomas Was Alone
You will cry. You will feel things. And you will learn about yourself. Through GODDAMN SHAPES.


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