I mean I don't really have to explain why this is goated

Hate it all you want I love this game. I love the setting. I like Connor. I love the story. Yes the ending sucked and all the parts with Desmond suck but still I don't know why I love this game so much. Finished it 3 times.

Goated game one of my favorites games of all time. I can't wait for the PC port. This is the one game I remember from my console years

The amount of hours I sink into this grindy ass game is unhealthy

My most played game. Not cared for by the developers but we all love it for its flaws lmao

Its just the same old same old. I still love playing career mode and the new additions are not bad but we need more. The game mode has practically been the same for a couple of years now. Not a big fan of Ultimate team. The concept is great but its just pretty pay to win now especially with how they introduce new versions of the card so frequently.

Going through it a second time now this game just improves on what was already done with Hitman 1 and 2. The maps are amazing in this one I don't think I disliked a single one. Highly recommend trying to speedrun these games if you are playing through them for a 2nd or 3rd time.

Great game just as good as the first one with more maps. Miami is a high highlight and again its insanely replayable

This entire new trilogy is so fucking fun. Insane replay value. highly recommend trying to speed run a couple of levels after finishing the game.

Played thru twice. Best GTA in the franchise not my personal fave tho