Great graphics, perfect gameplay, spectacular music, meh story, fine bosses, mediocre at best enemy design, worst level design in the whole serie. I have to say that i really enjoyed this game, but the level design.... ugh. Even DMC2 had better level design ffs. Anyways, other than the level design it's a great game, i highly recommend it.


I fucking hate this game. There are literally 65 miles between two save points. There is no such thing as hit feeling, it feels like youre cutting the thin fucking air. Bosses are like sponges, killing them takes hours. But on the other hand, bosses kill you in about 2 strikes. Like what the fuck is this? There are hard games and cancer games. For example Dark Souls games are hard, but mostly fair. This game, is cancer. The Big C of the video games. This game is not fun, neither fair. Don't buy it.

A spectacular JRPG. My favorite Persona game is Persona 4 Golden, and the second one is Persona 5. I strongly recommend it if you are into JRPGs.

I never really liked Souls games tbh, they were always mediocre imo. I liked Dark Souls 3 for sure, but then again it was like 7.5/10. When i started Elden Ring i immediately felt something was different. Graphics and art style was gorgeus at first glance. And since i was a platformer gamer, being able to jump in this game made me soooo relieved. The open world itself is... ginormous. Every place has it's own unique personality. Musics are amazing too. Bosses are... good, pretty good. Yeah this game too has shitty bosses but i ignore them mostly. Gameplay and hit feeling is nirvana in this game. Story is probably good, but this is a Souls game. Souls games never told the story directly, which is my biggest issue with Souls games. There are TONS of things you can do and find in the open world. When i finished the game, i felt like i was in abyss or void or whatever the heck you call it. I felt... empty. I'm gonna start new game + someday, because i really, really loved this game. Long story short: great graphics, spectacular music, immersive and ginormous open world, decent bosses, orgasm-like gameplay, decent dungeons and much much more. 9.5/10 no wonder this game got the title for being GOTY. That -0.5 points is because of Malenia btw.


This is one of the worst game i have ever played. I had too much high hopes for this game. I awaited so long for it to be released, and what i got is a PIECE OF FUCKING FILTH. Let me explain, this game was in development about 8 years. And do you know how long this game is? 3 hours... 3 FUCKING HOURS! 3 HOURS FOR FUCKS SAKE HOW THE FUCK IS 8 YEARS EQUAL TO 3 FUCKING YEARS? The only thing, i repeat only thing that is good about this game is probably its art design. It's beautiful, yet gross. Gameplay is janky, story is shitty, game itself is not fair and fucking hard, sometimes your gunshots wont even register, puzzles are no-brainer. And btw this game is not scary, not at all. So you guys at least could've tried to make this game a bit scarier. 10/0

If you play this game on normal or ninja dog mode, it's absolutely fair and fun. Imo this game has the most realistic gameplay in all of the hack and slash games. Music is great, level design is not bad, gameplay is fucking amazing, story is decent, bosses are... meh. The only BIG problem is the difficulty. This game is probably the most unfair game i have ever seen in my entire life. For example in every level you get a shop for buying life regeneration items etc. but in the final boss area there isn't any shop. Why the fuck did you guys do this? There are some stupid difficulty, unfairness and unforgiveness problems in this game, but if you feel this game is hard for you just play it on Ninja Dog. Then you can finish it in normal mode, trust me. I have beaten this game in Master Ninja mode and it's SO FUCKING HARD AND UNFAIR. But i managed to kill final boss with no damage so start at ninja dog, then work your way up to hard mode. Very hard and master ninja are truly shit, but difficulties below them are not THAT hard. So if you're a hack and slash fan and want yourself to get ass kicked, this game is exactly for you! I strongly recommend it, even with it's stupid difficulty.

Shitty bosses, bad level design, poopy graphics, mediocre gameplay, disgusting atmosphere. One of the worst game i have ever played.

WORST FUCKING game i have ever played, period. In my recent reviews, i always say that this game is the worst game but no. That time has passed. This game is the WORST game i have ever played. Do you wanna know why? DISGUSTING gameplay, shitty level design, puke-like graphics, stupid enemies, shitty bosses. Do i have to say anything more? I have never, ever seen a hitbox this bad. I hope FromSoftware goes bankrupt just because of this piece of shit, i can't even describe my hatred for this disgusting game. It doesn't even qualify as a game. It's an unfinished, broken, obnoxious mess.

Imagine playing a very hard game at 5 fps. Yeah... Go play the Remastered version, avoid this piece of shit.

It has some design problems, other than that a hard and a solid game.

Well, i don't really love this game too much. I have many problems with it. I don't really love almost any of the bosses, i hate the level design. Don't try to convince me that everywhere is connected and it makes the game perfect. If so, then explain and convince me that "New Londo Ruins, Tomb Of The Giants, Blighttown, Catacombs, Demon Ruins, Lost Izalith, Crystal Cave" are not bad. And why the fuck not this game doesn't give me the option to travel in the first place? I deeply hate this game, but i also love it. It has a beautiful gameplay, which matters the most. When i first finished this game i knew that this game was the worst game i have ever played. But i finished it more than 3 times for now, and i kinda like it. Like the music, it's awesome. Gameplay, it's really good. Some of the athmosphere are almost perfect like "Ash Lake, Anor Londo, Painted World Of Ariamis, Kiln Of The First Flame". The game itself isn't THAT hard if you're playing the remastered, but Dark Souls PTDE has the WORST optimization i have ever seen in a game. This includes PC version and the PS3 version of the PTDE. The only boss that made me climax was Gwyn, it was so fucking epic. Other than that, i'm not a big fan of the bosses in this game. But hey, if you're looking for a RPG game with great combat mechanics, this game is just for you.

Finished this game on all platforms. One of the best game that i have ever played.

I love this game more than it's original one. I do think that sometimes cutscene look a bit goofy ahh but the gameplay itself is so much enchanced that it made me cum. It has the best gameplay in any MGS game before MGS4 imo. Definitely reccomend it.

Whenever i scratch my balls game detects it as im using the circuit breaker inside of the tank. Fuck this game, and fuck Kinect.

Worlds MOST OVERRATED game of all time. This game has the worst combat in a hack and slash game i have ever seen, i would never recommend it.