Worlds SECOND MOST OVERRATED game of all time. This game has the worst combat in a hack and slash game i have ever seen, i would never recommend it.

Worst game i have ever played.

Best point-and-click game i have ever played.

I really loved this game, truly. It give you that 5th generation console feeling so accurately. I loved the battle system, the satisfaction of hitting enemies, level designs, enemy designs, etc. Somewhere in the game you will come across a level that has no map, which i really dislike in a survival horror game. That wasn't the major issue for me though, because having no map kinda fits the aura of that level. For me the major problem of the game is the storytelling. I mean when i finished the game, i simply said "what the fuck?". I didn't understood ANYTHING in this game. The story itself is cool, but you have to look into very specific places and be aware of your surroundings in order to see the bigger picture. I can describe Signalis like this: A Silent Hill and Resident Evil hybrid, with Souls game storytelling in a futuristic dystopian athmosphere. By the way this game could be a bit hard to people who are not familiar with survival horror, game itself is not hard but you can find yourself in situtation in a cramped room filled with enemies with no ammo. So good luck out there. Anyways, i strongly recommend this game to survival horror fans. But as i said before, you may have to play this game several times in order to understand the story. Long story short, this game is really good. Give it a chance.


Well, i used to hate this game. I mean, a lot. This game was such a pain in the ass when i played it on my PS2. But i always thought that i was missing something, there has to be a reason people like this game. Andddddd, yeah HD remaster made me like this game. Producers probably knew this game was hard, so they added 2 new differrent dungeons for grinding. And without dying a lot, i liked this game. This port has some issues though, if you are living outside of USA there is a chance that characters won't show up in the cutscenes. You have to change the region of your pc to some any European country or USA in order to fix this stupid bug. Other than that.... good game.

This is the most ridiculous game i have ever played, and i liked it.

I am truly shocked right now, because i never thought i would dislike this game. I always wanted to experience Fatal Frame games since i was a kid, because i absolutely cherished horror games. But this was unexpected. The games plot is mediocre at best, the gameplay is fucking AWWWFUL, voice acting is hilarious, atmosphere is kinda good, difficulty is atrociously hard etc. First problem is the balancing, this game is fucking unbalanced. Ghosts appear from nowhere and they quickly i mean QUICKLY drain your health. Escaping them is also a pain in the ass because controls suck. Sometimes enemies can easily lock you because of the games stupid design. Levels are extremely cramped, meaning you have nowhere to run. Oh btw this game doesn't tell you where to go, i found myself wandering around like a fucking wino. Most of the time i had to use walkthroughs. Sometimes when you take a picture your destination shows up on a polaroid, but the problem is that i don't remember where were those places?! Oh and puzzles suck too, they are so tidious and hard to figure out since this game doesn't help you in anyway. Even right now writing this review i'm utterly frustrated. I tried to love this game, but i can't. If you want to experience it then i can recommend this game to you, but if you are new to survival horror your best bet should be to avoid this game. 1/5

I did kinda hope that Forces and Frontiers are gonna be good, turned out they fucking suck. After Frontiers, i lost all my hope for Sonic Team. That's why i didn't have any kind of hope for this game. When i saw the trailers i immediately realized what this game is going to become. Level design is bad, it's either full of mazes or backtracking levels. Soundtrack is forgettable and mediocre at best. This game probably has the worst special stages in a Sonic game including 3D games. Oh btw this game doesn't have your average 2D Sonic gameplay, it feels like Sonic Forces' Classic Sonic gameplay which i really despise of. Gameplay is very slippy and incostistent generally. I don't know how can i describe my feelings but levels, graphics, atmosphere, presentation etc. feels like... nothing. I mean this game feels so much like Sonic 4 Episode 1&2, though i prefer both Sonic 4's over this. The game itself feels so uninspired and unoriginal, either because of the enemies or level designs. Boss fights SUCK ASS. Almost all of them are over 5 minutes long boring ass running sections and if you die... you do know what happens. Especially the final boss... oh god it made me hate this game twice. Animations don't look good as i said before this game looks so uncanny. They added power ups to this game which you can use after obtaining Chaos Emeralds. This is one of the good aspects of the game, it adds creativity. It feels like you are using wisps sort of. But almost %90 of the time you are not even going to use them, they are useless as hell. Credits screen takes over 2 years to vanish lmao. Overall game itself feels like unfinished just like Frontiers or should i say it's made by a 10 year old Sonic fan who barely knows programming or coding. Ohh and don't make me talk about the framerate, i can't even tell you guys how much i got myself killed because of this stupid games lagging. I fucking hate Sonic Team, i wish they would go bankrupt in near future so that i would never see any of their "new" shitty sonic games. Play Sonic 4 rather than this shitty game.

My only problems with this game were boss fights being easy, new power ups are very good but there are few power ups in total, and some levels have very cryptic design. But other than those this game is AWESOME.

Normally i would give 3.5 or 4 out of 5 for this game. I first played this game somewhere between 2013-2014. It was way popular back then. I only got time to beat it up today and... i don't know how to feel. This is the BEST depiction of depression in a video game, period. I have suffered from depression long enough, and Simon is one of the most relatable video game characters for me. Though this game has also its little flaws, like getting lost or sometimes the combat system but i still think this game is purely great. And it's also free! Best free game i have ever played! Everybody should give at least one chance for this game. For now, this is the best game i have ever played. Normally, my favorite game was Yoshi's Island DS, but Cry Of Fear made me realize somethings in my life. This game didn't cure my depression though, it may have even worsened it. Still, i'm happy that i'm not the only one who suffers from it. I wish i could befriend Simon in real life...

I finished this game on Switch Online, that means i had rewind function, save states and much more stuff that would make this game easier. You need a map to play this game, and i mean literally. If you're not going to use a map, don't even bother playing it. I had my computer screen open with a Metroid NES Map on it, while playing Metroid on my Television next to it. It was tough, but i made it and i'm glad i finished it. Still, if you don't have an access to save states etc. you're fucked. I'm giving this game 7/10, but if i played this game on a real NES hardware without save states this game would probably end up in my "worst games i have ever played" list. So be advised, if there is no way you can use save states this game is not for you.