Well, to sum it up shortly it's worth checking up. It wasn't scary for me, but i did like interactions with the controllers different parts and the consistency of quick time events. Short and a good slasher horror adventure.

Honestly i'm kind of dissapointed from the ending, because Rick deserved better. Other than that, the game itself is overall good. Except it can be really difficult sometimes, some areas are hard to beat but not a major problem. If you like violince and gore this and on top of that in a beat em up game this game is for you. I also love the idea of the collectibles. In other games you collect trophies or other stuff, in this game you find naked pictures of your kidnapped girlfriend. And it encourages you to to find them even more lmao.

I can tolerate this game much more than i do for Fallout 2 tbh since it's the first game in the series. It was a short, kind of boring but also sometimes a fun game overrall. It just wasn't for me i guess. You can give it a shot if you want, i would recommend it just for trying. 5.5 / 10

This game is great, with it's body horror and all truly a charming game. Game itself is pretty weird actually, since Square makes EVERYTHING a Jrpg this not uncommon though. These guys are the same guys that made a RACING JRPG named Racing Laggon, lmfao. But hey, this games battle system is quite fun actually, it's not like those old rpg games that you press attack button and wait for the enemy to attack you. You have full control over your character in battles and you need to dodge projectiles like you're playing a rogue-like. This was WAY better than i expected. Music is awesome, but in sometimes it can get repetitive because all of the musics font feel like the same. Enemies and their design look great, cutscenes also look great. My problem was that you sometimes need a map, which can be hard to find your path. My biggest problem was 'THAT' shitty chase scene. Story itself is okay, characters are good and Aya is cute as hell. Moreover the bosses, enemy placement, or item placement and level designs are pretty good too. One other thing is that this game isn't that scary, maybe i got too old for horror games but i still shit myself when i play Silent Hill 3 idk. Ending doesn't make sense that's why they needed to retcon it on the second game. Overrall an amazing game, definitely holds up even to this day. I strongly recommend it.

I don't remember getting this bored in a long time, a frustrating bugfest. I have almost every item and every stat i need to finish the game right now, i am at the oil rig right now but nahhh i can't continue this game. I did enjoy some parts of the game, but no i can't continue this game any longer. Quests, gameplay etc everything feels soooo outdated and boring. Not to mention my save files getting corrupted. And those constant random encounters... yuck. Overall a bad experience i don't recommend it.

I had more fun fighting with Bed Of Chaos in Dark Souls 1 than in bosses in this game. Items or etc. also don't carry over when story switches characters. In certain points you have almost no chance but to take damage. Overrall a boring and frustrating game, now i know why people say this game needs a remake.

Imagine paying 60 bucks for a 3 hour long DLC, oh no right it's a full game as Capcom says. My god this game was awful, i tried to be well intentioned, but this was way worse than my expectations. Many and i mean many places are cut off, it doesn't have any kind of horror and just pure action which Resident Evil was never meant to be. It's so fricking short i finished this game at roughly 3 hours, THREE HOURS. In normal RE3 you would see Nemesis quite often, in this game you see him at one time and gone. Oh and enemies are placed so poorly and dumbly that i don't remember dying once except the god-awful boss fights. Boss fights sucks ass in this game, RE bosses were never that good but this one is another level shit. Dodging mechanic works sometime good sometimes shit. Overrall a atrocious remake of a great game. Do not play it, it doesn't even worth your 3 or 4 hours. Oh by the way the Nemesis we all knew? You know the humanoid monster thing that always creeped you when you were wandering in the original? Yeah, they changed his appearance to a stray dog. He is no longer a humanoid anymore, he transforms in to a canine like monster in mid game, and that was the new Nemesis we got. 3/10.

It's not as great as other two, but this one is also very fun. Story doesn't really makes sense (which i don't really care in a hack and slash game), i dislike Viola's gameplay and the thing i hate most was the constant reliance on demon slaves. Demon slaves control good enough, but you use them SO MUCH it kills the normal combat imo. New weapons and combos are really fun. Music is great as always. Graphics and art design is good again. Sometimes changing the gameplay to platformer-esque minigame of Jeanne was quite fun honestly. And sometimes when you fought bosses, gameplay changed signicifantly which i really loved because it changes the pace to racing game etc. and hack and slash gameplay doesn't feel repetitive. Final boss was AMAZING. Overrall a solid game, with flaws. But definitely a must-play that's for sure. 8/10.

A big letdown compared to Doom 2016, but still a solid game. Too much platforming (Platforming is good btw, it's constant that's what makes it bad), very high difficulty, and some enemies are total pain in the ass. Other than that, cool final boss, good graphics and overall good gameplay. I prefer Doom 2016 over this one, but like i said you should also play this one too.

I fucking hate this game, but i also love it. Unlike Nioh 1 where you get killed one-shot by the most generic enemy, this game is far more polished but it's still cancerous. Gameplay is perfect, i love gore especially on Hack and slashes and souls likes. Story is... i dont remember anything. It was okay as far as i can remember. Weapons are amazing, this is probably the only souls like that i constantly switched armors and weapons. When i make a strength build in a souls-like, i stay as a str build. But in nioh 2 i remember using half of the time ninja or magician weapons while going on strength route. I played this game more like i play a dark souls game, like i didnt use stances. Always stood on high stance, and never changed it. Being able to use demons powers are also amazing, its just like Castlevania Aria Of Sorrow. Boss fights are ass, but Team Ninja always makes ass boss fights so i can tolerate that. Level designs are good, music and atmosphere is cherry on the top. Overall a solid and fun game, i would definitely replay this game sometime in my life but not now i feel ill after finishing ALL missions.

It's better than it's predecessor. Having a save feature was a big help. But then again i played this game through Nintendo Switch Online, which means if i played this on original hardware i would definitely dislike it. However, it's much more acceptable then the first game, this game really is a big improvement. You don't really get lost if you compare it with the first game, but i still strongly recommend using a map. Anyway, i prefer this game over the first one and every Metroid fan should at least play it once.


An utterly flawed masterpiece. This game was really hard to play, and finish. You can't finish this game without using any kind of help, believe me. I somehow managed to fill the archieve %100, and oh boy wasn't it hard. This game is one of the most merciless games i have ever seen. It's core mechanic is Second Person View, which means in order to play this game you have to look around your surroundings within your enemies sights. It's where sightjacking comes in, an unique game mechanic that i have never ever seen. This game is generally experimental btw, it tries many things that i have never seen or rarely saw in a game. Like the time mechanic itself, if a character achieves something in the past it also affects another character in future etc. Gameplay and battle system etc. are okay. Graphics and cutscenes are amazing. Atmosphere and music is flawless. Story is good. All characters stories get connected to the end. One of the many reasons i love this game. HOWEVER: I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone, and i mean it. This game is amazing, but don't dare to play it. If you really are a big horror game fan, than maybe you could give it a chance. But if you're not a big horror fan, just stay away from this game. It's so hard, it really is. This is probably one of the most cryptic games i have ever seen. It's just like Metroid 1, if i didn't have any guides to play them Metroid and Siren would be on the top of my "games that i hate most" list. Long story short this game is perfect, but definitely not suitable for many audiences. You could give it a try, but expect the worst.

I finished this game on Switch Online, that means i had rewind function, save states and much more stuff that would make this game easier. You need a map to play this game, and i mean literally. If you're not going to use a map, don't even bother playing it. I had my computer screen open with a Metroid NES Map on it, while playing Metroid on my Television next to it. It was tough, but i made it and i'm glad i finished it. Still, if you don't have an access to save states etc. you're fucked. I'm giving this game 7/10, but if i played this game on a real NES hardware without save states this game would probably end up in my "worst games i have ever played" list. So be advised, if there is no way you can use save states this game is not for you.