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6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago

EternalNausea completed Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Team Reptile's growing pains are showing but god what a blast

6 days ago

EternalNausea reviewed Sifu
A seriously satisfying game that competes for GOTY 2022

6 days ago

EternalNausea completed Sifu

6 days ago

EternalNausea completed Bayonetta 3
Despite the ending and destruction of bayonetta canon, this game was full of energy and spectacle and the combat was genuinely better than bayonetta 2.

6 days ago

EternalNausea reviewed Solar Ash
The dialogue and story is a little 'trite' but a very fun experience that controls buttery smooth and was satisfying to grab the platinum trophy.

6 days ago

6 days ago

EternalNausea reviewed Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Holds its own identity against paper mario despite the obvious inspiration, but was missing something that stopped me from coming back.

6 days ago

6 days ago

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