Had a very good time with this one. This is by no means as good as the predecessor in my eyes but it brings enough great mechanics, innovative gameplay, a great storyline (with the symbiote storyline being the real highlight) to keep me engaged and have a very good time with it.


Must say I was extremely disappointed with this. When you say to me that some of the people from the team that made the masterpiece that is Dead Space are making a new ip survival horror game I would instantly be hyped but I don’t know what quite went wrong here.

The combat system sucks very bad, the story is uninteresting and characters are lame, monsters are heavily recycled from a lack of ideas and it’s biggest sin is the fact that it isn’t scary.


Just wow holy fuck man.

I have to start off by saying that aside from Silent Hill 2, this has the best narrative that I think I have ever seen told in a video game ever.

Normally when you are playing are video game you can feel the weight of a cutscene potentially overstaying it's welcome but not here man.

When I finished this game yesterday I watched over an hour of cutscenes and I still could've carried on watching for a long time after that.

All of the actors did a great job here, Mads Mikkelsen, Lea Seydoux and obviously Norman Reedus were the standouts for me. May as well write a letterboxd review for this now because it is basically a film lolz.

The only times I had a bit of a gripe with the game did come from the gameplay as I thought there were sometimes when the BT's did get a fair bit annoying but I still ended up liking the innovative gameplay and mechanics very much. That is basically the same with every game I play really, some moments drive me insane. I mean I am a Silent Hill 4 defender but the sequences on the escalators with the ghosts sticking out of the wall makes me want to quit and never come back.

But other than that, making deliveries in a video game has never been as fun and satisfying as it is here. I mean the gameplay got to me at times but it doesn't take away from how much of a masterpiece I truly think this game is.

It is insane to me how people can suggest that this game is a "walking simulator".

Wow man what a truly incredible game, best of last year for me.

RE4 in and of itself is an absolute masterpiece but to remake that and even improve upon some things is just absolute fucking insanity.

The mechanics are the bet in an RE game to date, the boss fights are still as cool as ever, the game looks absolutely stunning and after how disappointing the RE3 remake was because of it's very short length this is an incredible bounce back.

We need to do anything to ensure that Capcom get started with a Code Veronica remake.

(New to this so logging some of my playthroughs from last year and marking the dates because I want to use this more often)

I honestly found more value out of Separate Ways than this lol

Best of a terrible bunch because with this being the biggest game in the trilogy it actually looks like there is a little bit of effort here.

It took me six months to complete this purely because I kept quitting and I made myself endure this trilogy twice purely for the trophies. Once when it first came out on PS4 and then on PS5.

Playing as Ada is so fun I can't. Hopefully we see more of her and we get to play as her again.

Going to start by addressing the whole controversy with this. JK Rowling is definitely an awful person and a massive bigot but I think you can enjoy how great the wizarding world is and also be against her beliefs because lets be honest the damage has already been done.

As a fan of the wizarding world for nearly all of my life through the books and the films, this is everything I have dreamt for in a video game adaptation of this universe after years and years of trashy EA tie-ins.

With it's well put together story with RPG elements and world building full of immersion which is probably the peak of this game, it is so much fun to explore this world freely and more in depth.

It isn't perfect though as I did have a few problems with the combat at times and I wish there were more choices that directly affected your journey as a Hogwarts student but for how good video game adaptations rarely this one is very good.

This game is very obviously a masterpiece but I cannot defend the pricing for this game hence why it is rated so low.