Far Cry Ranked

Definitely not my favorite franchise, not even the best games Ubisoft have made but some fun here and there.

This is a great game, it has a good story, an amazing villain, good soundtrack and a decent world to explore. It gets a bit overrated though and is a bit bloated getting boring after a while.
This is NOT Far Cry, but I love this type of game even more than the actual games. This dlc is the perfect length for this type of game. It's the best non Far Cry... Far Cry.
It is heavily de-saturated and it's setting of Africa is a little cool. The thing I liked the most here though was the mechanics and realism, the story is also much more interesting than most Far Cry's personally.
This was a surprise to me, I was fully expecting this to be another mediocre Ubisoft title and while it does keep a lot of Ubisoft's basic design, it has an interesting enough story, a fun setting and a great villain.
Looks pretty good for a 2004 title, and it is the game that started this sorta mediocre franchise. The story is just... there I guess, the world looks pretty and it's gameplay is fine.
Didn't care that much for the setting, I think the villain is kind of bland tbh. Troy Baker wasn't saving it, I liked some of the characters and the story has it's ups but starts getting stale at some point.
An unique entry for sure, has a lot of mechanics that I was intrigued by and some that I was glad only stayed here. I think that everything in this game and about it is just, a little above average.
Everything on display is just copy paste from every other Far Cry except worse. Its villain was just mostly carried by Giancarlo. At some point I just wanted to play a good game, but I'd gotten so far to just quit.
This is just not it, I really did not care for this game at all. I didn't like the story, the characters and especially the gameplay. The world again felt like any other Ubisoft title so it quickly just became dull.


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