I know everyone says this might be the best one but I unfortunately never got passed the first day. I don’t know why. I was a kid and I raged quit the game. Eventually I’ll have to give this another go though. Someday.

God my memory of this game is so cloudy but I remember really putting time into it. Though it was fun it definitely had a lot of mediocre parts and frustrating moments. But it was still able to keep you engaged.

This game was so silly but I enjoyed it cause I was a huge fan of the animated series it was based on. And it was cool to have Stan Lee narrate and teach you the controls. Also the graphics on Venom were pretty choppy, as was his dialogue. And Black Cat had cleavage…

Anyways, a decent game but not really memorable or replay-able. Even as a kid I remember feeling disappointed with it after finishing it. But playing the Spider-Man 2 game that was based on the film, yeah, that’s where I truly felt like I was playing as the web head finally.


Forever ingrained in my brain. That and Anakin’s silly death scream whenever his Podracer blew up lmfao.

My memory of this is like a fever dream but I watched my uncle play this annnnd I wasn’t interested. But at that time, the graphics were cool. I’m pretty sure my uncle got it though for two blocky reasons.

The same cousin showed me this game, and I remember this a bit more vividly, late at night, and I was soooo scared to death. I couldn’t even sleep. The apocalyptic scenario, the desecrated streets of Raccoon City, and zombies and monsters around every corner. My little kid brain couldn’t comprehend the horror of it. Of course now it’s a little silly and laughable given the graphics and cheesy voice acting, but at that time it was pretty scary. The rendered background art for the levels and Raccoon City too is sooo phenomenal. The design and art honestly, no joke, have a better atmosphere than the remake in my opinion. The remake is great don’t get me wrong, but a lot of the atmosphere is shrouded in darkness. While the classics were able to show the art at least in some dimly lit areas.

Definitely more action packed from what I remember but it was the first time I watched someone play a game from start to finish. And it was cool to see it play out almost like a movie.