The same cousin showed me this game, and I remember this a bit more vividly, late at night, and I was soooo scared to death. I couldn’t even sleep. The apocalyptic scenario, the desecrated streets of Raccoon City, and zombies and monsters around every corner. My little kid brain couldn’t comprehend the horror of it. Of course now it’s a little silly and laughable given the graphics and cheesy voice acting, but at that time it was pretty scary. The rendered background art for the levels and Raccoon City too is sooo phenomenal. The design and art honestly, no joke, have a better atmosphere than the remake in my opinion. The remake is great don’t get me wrong, but a lot of the atmosphere is shrouded in darkness. While the classics were able to show the art at least in some dimly lit areas.

Definitely more action packed from what I remember but it was the first time I watched someone play a game from start to finish. And it was cool to see it play out almost like a movie.

My memory of this is like a fever dream but I watched my uncle play this annnnd I wasn’t interested. But at that time, the graphics were cool. I’m pretty sure my uncle got it though for two blocky reasons.


Forever ingrained in my brain. That and Anakin’s silly death scream whenever his Podracer blew up lmfao.

This game was so silly but I enjoyed it cause I was a huge fan of the animated series it was based on. And it was cool to have Stan Lee narrate and teach you the controls. Also the graphics on Venom were pretty choppy, as was his dialogue. And Black Cat had cleavage…

Anyways, a decent game but not really memorable or replay-able. Even as a kid I remember feeling disappointed with it after finishing it. But playing the Spider-Man 2 game that was based on the film, yeah, that’s where I truly felt like I was playing as the web head finally.

God my memory of this game is so cloudy but I remember really putting time into it. Though it was fun it definitely had a lot of mediocre parts and frustrating moments. But it was still able to keep you engaged.

I know everyone says this might be the best one but I unfortunately never got passed the first day. I don’t know why. I was a kid and I raged quit the game. Eventually I’ll have to give this another go though. Someday.

Never completed it but I had fun playing it and trying to understand the rules of its kind. Quite possibly my first time playing a turn based combat game. I unfortunately never played the original game boy pokemon games like red or blue, but this was close enough for me.

My favorite part about this game was the little mini-games.

That fucking clefairy memory mini-game would get on my goddamn nerves sometimes though.

During the Pokemon craze this game was released sometime after the game boy games I believe. I was bored for a while before getting the hang of it but after ”finishing” it, there wasn’t much replay value.

The only Mario Party I ever owned and played and it was great. Always play with a friend or family member, don’t ever play it alone. It’s absolutely hilarious what can happen. Also a good way to piss others off too.

The only time I ever cared about tennis if I’m being honest.

This had no right to be as good as it did, but it was so fun. And I had a blast playing split screen with my sister and my friend, or my parents. Also me and my sister fought each other a lot over this game.

I remember watching my cousin play this in the middle of the day and still being terrified of the zombies and their moans. These days it sounds silly, given the graphics and how the blood and gore looks like pixelated ketchup, but at that time the graphics were insane to what we’ve ever seen. And the feeling of getting lost and isolated in a mansion full of zombies and monsters just creeped me out as a kid. I didn’t need to own or play Resident Evil to know that it was for sure going to be the landmark game that it was. Within a few minutes of watching someone else play it, I was already scared.

My sister and I adored this game to the end. I remember we bought this on the off chance of it just looking kind of cool by the commercials? But we were still unsure. But us only being kids at the time, we were just dying of laughter, and having a blast collecting collectibles and honey combs, and exploring a wide variety of different seasoned maps. Banjo-Kazooie put Rare on the field, it was an instant classic. It quite possibly rivaled even Super Mario 64. Hell, I would say it’s actually better than Mario 64. It’s that’s good.

A game so inspirational, it even inspired another big hit within the franchise, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, with its very first mission: escaping Hoth. The very first mission you’re flying a Snow Speeder and taking out Imperial Probe Droids and tying up AT-AT’s, and it was a blast. But what makes Shadows of the Empire great is the fact it not only incorporates aerial combat, but also ground combat. You even fight on foot and you’re shooting at things. No force powers or lightsabers, you’re a god damn wanna-be Han Solo type with a blaster and a jet pack (later on). But playing this felt like a cool mini-movie with its narrative. Shadows of the Empire had this whole thing back in the 90’s that was actually a side thing for the franchise, but they wanted to hype it up like a film. Releasing a bunch of a merch, like toys, video games, even a decent soundtrack that was composed. Not by John Williams sadly, but man was it good enough!

And of course, they released a game that went along with the book’s and comics release. Two versions though: one on PC and on the N64. I played the N64 but the PC one has actual cutscenes and real dialogue. The N64 only had some slideshows, but I was ok with it. I was just enjoying the combat and gameplay. And the fact I could play a level where I hunt down Boba Fett himself, or even fight in a huge space battle alongside the Millennium Falcon, was enough for me.

To this day I have yet to see a Star Wars game that makes me feel like I’m not playing a Jedi, or a Sith, or some clone soldier or rebel or imperial. I just wanna be a rogue man. And this so far has felt like the only game to really bring that feeling. I’m hoping Star Wars: Outlaws will fulfill that feeling again.

I was a huge Star Wars fan growing up so playing this was just pure bliss as a kid. And I’m so glad I got to experience this because this game had me hooked. It really made you feel like you were flying around in dog fights like in the movies, fighting against Tie Fighters and AT-AT’s. Quite possibly one of the best Star Wars game ever made.